Ken, If I understand your question correctly.... that you are wondering how many people purchase just an empenage kit to get started, vs buying the entire airframe kit at one time?

I haven't looked up the sales records but making a guess I would say that probably 95% of builders purchase sub-kits incrementally as they need them.
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Ken, If I understand you question correctly.... that you are wondering how many people purchase just an empenage kit to get started, vs buying the entire airframe kit at one time?

I haven't looked up the sales records but making a guess I would say that probably 95% of builders purchase sub-kits incrementally as they need them.

How long does it typically take to finish the empennage kit hour-wise?
How long does it typically take to finish the empennage kit hour-wise?

It varies with every builder depending on their prior experience building things, etc., and because it is when the initial learning / coming up to speed is occurring, but I usually estimate 100-125 hrs as a good ball park #.

Maybe enough recent emp. kit builders will chime in with what their build times were, that you can see what the average would compute to.
My buddy is an AP, and former liason between engineering and production for Lockheed on the L10-11.

He's not one to waste much motion in building much of anything.

In looking at the numbers, he says about 1140 hours to build his 2016 RV-12 in the garage, with his brother. It was his first RV build.