
Well Known Member
Thought I would share my most recent RV story. I reserved the tail number for my RV-8 build. My first child was just recently born. I decided that since her name was going to be Kacey, a tail number ending in "KC" would be a nice tribute. We went to the hospital for her birth on 11/5 and during the many hours of waiting I decided 115KC would be the perfect number; her birthday and her name. Even better, when I checked, it was actually available. My wife was 4cm dilated a few days before we went to the hospital for delivery so we never had any doubts that she would be born that day. Guess What! She was born 7 minutes after midnight so 115 isn't her birthday. Oh well. I did check to see if 116 might be available, but of course it isn't. It's a great story that will forever be on the tail on N115KC.
Just use a different time zone as the birth date/time! Unfortunately, UTC won't work, but one time zone to the west and you're golden! :)

Congrats on the new addition! Great story. Hope all is well with Kacey and momma and you’re getting some sleep!
I reserved an N number for my RV6 and wrote it down. Then I changed my mind and reserved another one………. but I didn’t write it down, and now I’ve forgotten what it is. I went through dozens of possibilities when picking it. Mostly what I wanted wasn’t available. I paid my 10 bucks (twice), but never got any kind of confirmation.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter - cool story for her some day. I have three granddaughters and one grandson. Gives me some ideas for yet another N number. I’ve told them all that if one of them learns to fly, I’ll give them my airplane. They’re all pretty young, and I’m getting ‘senior’, so it might work out.