I think Ron might have got his last week but haven't heard anything from him. He has made it very clear that he is not the photographer of the family so I think we are all relying on you now :p
I'm not getting a tailwheel kit just a tail kit (14A) and the shipper is estimating the 24th for delivery. All I know for now is the kit is in Canada.
There are a couple pics on my build blog. Looking for a picture of something in particular? I could snap one and send it to you.
Got a surprise e-Mail from Barb stating my tail kit would crate next week! Awesome, wasn't expecting it until late NOV early DEC. Its getting real now!
My RV-14A tail kit arrived this morning. I haven't opened or inventoried yet. My kit was shipped freight C.O.D. I was quite surprised with the bill. I asked the primary carrier on the phone if they knew the charges "no". I asked the carrier from Montreal to Dartmouth N.S. the same question "no", and the final carrier (three in total) while we were off loading the box "what my bill for freight"? No mention of C.O.D. or any amount on any paperwork he had. I guess it's free, about time. I know they will catch up to me and probably I'll be posting on here a different tune.
Van's said they were quoted $375 from the primary carrier and that was delivered to my door, we'll see. I was looking for a heads up, ahead of time so I could dispute the amount if it was more than quoted. I should have time in my favor now, hopefully I will not need it and the bill will be what was quoted.
Did my inventory and other than the two B/O items , everything seems to be present. The box had minor shipping damage as usual , but some minor interior damage did occur. I'm quite confident they can be bent back into shape without any problem.
I did come across a small problem finding some parts listed on the shipping list. Apparently the label printer is having a little problem as the "0" on some numbers looks like a "C". I was looking for part numbers like E-C900 when actually the part # was E-0900. There were a fair number like this, no biggy once it's located.
I did take a bunch of photos , but they must be a big file or something as I tried to take Jetguy up on his offer to post them for me but attaching them on an e-mail would take forever. I'm sure they can be made smaller if someone would like to help me out.
There is a bunch of cable assemblies in this kit. I'm not sure I have identified them all correctly. (1) telephone cable (ELT?) (2) RG400 cable (Comm Ant.?)(3) wiring harness (elev. trim, tail/strobe light ,perhaps ADHRS, etc.(4) there is at least one more but I forget what it is.
I also received a small bag of rivets , parcel post, labeled wrong rivets sent yesterday.
Coming Thursday.

I just got off the phone with Old Dominion. They are delivering the kit Thursday morning.

I am getting both the wing kit and the tail kit together. The notice I got from Van's said they wouldn't ship until next week, but it also said it might ship early.

Can't wait.
Tail Kit has arrived

Tail Kit arrived yesterday and was unpacked today. Old Dominion handled the delivery and the crate was in perfect shape. I was really impressed with their service and the charge was reasonable. Holy Cow! I cant believe how much stuff Vans can pack into a crate! I have no doubt that I could not put all that stuff back into the crate if I had a year to try and figure it out. My first stumbling block on the project was figuring out how to assemble the binder for the plans. I really thought I would be further into the project before having a "what the heck??" scratch your head moment!! Thankfully a friend and repeat offender RV builder, Tom Roberts, helped bail me out.

My first impressions of the kit were that it is really well done. I could not feel any bur on the pre-punched holes and the plans look really thorough. However, the rumor that the 14 kit will assemble itself is untrue. I know because I stood over the open box and stared and waited for a full 5 minutes half hoping the parts would start assembling themselves. Nothing happened so Tom and I poured a beer and stared at the crate for another 10 minutes and still nothing happened. On the off chance that elves would show up in the night, I left the box completely open last night but in the morning the parts were still unassembled. Oh well. I guess I will get to use my rivet gun after all!!
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You did not follow the instructions, the top cover needs to be closed for automatic assembly mode to take effect!!!
Tail kit heads up

Just as a heads up. When you get to the RV-14 instructions page 07-05 Figure 2. The rivet callout will be for (6) AN470AD4-6 rivets. I found that to be too short. I used AN470AD4-8's, but you may find that -7's work as well.

Just as a heads up. When you get to the RV-14 instructions page 07-05 Figure 2. The rivet callout will be for (6) AN470AD4-6 rivets. I found that to be too short. I used AN470AD4-8's, but you may find that -7's work as well.


Please add that to the Plan "Gotchas". That way when we get to it, it will be notated in the spreadsheet. It's the first thing on the RV-14 Blogs. Thanks for pointing that out. By the time I get to the tail, that great advice will be long lost in the threads somewhere.
Forgot to add this. When doing my inventory I found I had about 38 each of the K1000-6 and K1000-8 nut plates when they were all supposed to be -6s. Make sure you check the nutplates carefully!
Hey Ron,

The #8s came in a separate bag. I am talking about one bag that was supposed to have all #6s. Anywho I got extra #8s if anyone falls short. :)
Kit Came!

Tail kit came in last week. I'm a first time builder and I'm about ready to start riveting the skin on the vertical stab.

Great packing job, about $250 shipped to El Paso, TX.

I didn't realize how fun this could be! (90% of the time)

SN 140117
Another 14 Empennage Kit Delivered

Hello Everyone,

My kit (tailwheel) arrived Wednesday. Just now got around to the inventory. Everything was there. Great packing job, except for the duct tape used to hold down some of the skins. Hard to get off. Officially starting the build tomorrow! I was surprised by how much of the fuselage was in the tail kit.
RV-14A Empennage Kit Arrived

My empennage kit also arrived last week on Friday. Same comments as Rob in the previous post. Great packing job, well organized, but the industrial duct tape was overkill IMHO. I took inventory on Monday night, all parts accounted for! Will start the VS this weekend.

RV-14A Empennage in progress!
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Rudder Nutplate Rivet Change Pg 07-05

Looks like they also changed the rivet callout for the bottom nutplate in figure 1 to AN470AD4-9 instead of -8's. I don't see any -9's in the Emp kit. Am I missing something. Tried the -8's but they are slightly short.:mad:
Missing Rivets

Looks like they also changed the rivet callout for the bottom nutplate in figure 1 to AN470AD4-9 instead of -8's. I don't see any -9's in the Emp kit. Am I missing something. Tried the -8's but they are slightly short.:mad:

I did not have any -9 rivets either. I am going to pick some up today at the local MX hangar.