
Well Known Member
Finally! I ordered the tail kit Monday morning... the project is born.

I recently finished the practice kit. Did some good things, some bad - but understand the bad and glad I did the practice kit to learn about process and all that.

Only been wanting to do this for nearly 3 years... :)
Good decision Casey! What kit #?
3 years of decision making is better than 2:) I was researching RVs for about two years before I ordered the empennage in 2006.
Let the fun begin!
Not sure which kit number yet... I mailed in my order form to Van's. Hopefully they got it today. The only number I have so far is from the preview plans - NB1768.
Welcome, Casey!

I started my -8 over 13 years ago and JUST started fllying it. It CAN be done. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

You can do it.

-- Don
From your webpage

"I'm building an airplane, in my house, with permission from my wife.":D:D

How awesome if that! Of course we will want to see pictures once you are have started building.

Welcome to VAF!
Hey Todd,

Yeah... she is more anxious than I am to get started. :p She already has her list of places to travel, things to do, etc. She did say she wasn't very interested in actually building, but she always wanders into the shop "randomly"....... :rolleyes:
Tail kit is here! Inventoried most everything - all in order.

Need to go through the hardware tomorrow evening.

Wow - what great packing by Van's.. and great looking parts, too. ;)