
Well Known Member
I created an Excel spread sheet with all of the inventory for the tail kit, including hardware so I could search for parts. On the Excel sheet I will have a place to list the location, instead of searching all over the place like I did with the wings. If anyone would like a copy of it, or can tell me how to put it up like the gotcha file, I will be happy to share.
I would like a excel copy of the tail kit inventory. I am up to the elevator section 9. I have wing 140072. Thanks
One helpful addition to the spreadsheet is a list of every page in the plans that the part is referenced. The first mention should be the most important.

Another is the material and metal thickness.

These things are handy on my RV-3B, anyway. The thickness, by the way, aids in part identification.

Part Identification

It would be really helpful if Van's could provide that because they already have the data, but I couldn't even get them to provide the data in an Excel sheet for me to manipulate. I think if you have the part # and it's location, that should speed up finding parts when you need them. I just scanned the inventory sheets, OCR'ed them, then copied sections to Excel. Still a good bit of work, but not as bad as retyping the whole thing. Good luck on the build.
I created an Excel spread sheet with all of the inventory for the tail kit, including hardware so I could search for parts. On the Excel sheet I will have a place to list the location, instead of searching all over the place like I did with the wings. If anyone would like a copy of it, or can tell me how to put it up like the gotcha file, I will be happy to share.

Sorry this took so long Stoney. If you could please just copy and paste your Excel file to this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...TTZka1ZDSXoyMWthSVNJTUZ0TXc&usp=sharing#gid=0) link it will be available to everyone. I added this to the beginning of the "sticky" post at the top of the forum. If someone does this for the wing kit as well I can make another file for that.

Let me know if you run into any problems. Additionally you can just email me the file if you need me to upload it to google docs. PM if you need my email.


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Wings too?

If someone could do the same thing for the wing kit that would be fantastic and link it in the google spreadsheet as well.

I did the same for all the hardware in all the kits for the RV-10. I got several of those multi-drawer storage things from HD or Lowes and labeled the drawers A1, A2, A,3, B1, B2, B3 - then as I put stuff in the drawers while inventorying the kit I would note the location in the spreadsheet.

THen I could sort the file by location, part number, description, etc. as needed.

Once done I could consolidate like part numbers in one bin saving space.

Since the drawers were generically labeled I could recycle space as parts were used up, etc.

After I was done I did move common parts near each other - like all the nuts together, etc. But not perfectly.

I keep a hardcopy of the spreadsheet sorted by part number and when I need an AN-XYX-42 or whatever I know exactly where to look for it. I also got some small bins that look like larger tubs but maybe 6"x4"x4" that I put put larger small airplane parts in. Using the labeling scheme you can use whatever location you want as long as you label it. One drawer of my rollaway toolbox has a number of bins in it for common hardware with weach bin labeled.

I got tired of trying to chase stupid parts down. Took awhile to set up but not all that much more than just inventorying the parts in the first place.
There's a parts list in Section 4. It includes material and thickness, name, whether it's raw material or a manufactured part, the sub-kit it's associated with, the plans section (although not the pages) and which version of the plane it's on. Not a spreadsheet, maybe, but handy in the shop.
