My tail kit came today also- no section #4. I think it comes with the finish kit, the firewall foreward, or the avionics kit. I already have the wing and fuselage kits, and it didn't come with either of them. Steve
I just received my tail plans yesterday. I do not have a section 4 either. I just called Van's to confirm that we do not need one and they said there is a section 4. It is a parts index. The guy I talked to said it could be a handy tool and is going to send it to me.
RV-12 Section 4

Section 4 (Parts Index) is now available directly off of Vans website. As I understand it, it was still being finalized and includes parts callouts from all of the RV-12 subkits. It will now be included with Section 1 - 5 on your initial purchase of a RV-12 Empenage kit.

Direct link posted here:

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