
Well Known Member
Well I'm sitting here at work and I happen to click on the Fedex tracking link to see when my empennage kit will arrive and low and behold it was just dropped off :5min before. I called my wife all excited and sure enought, it's there.

I promised my building partner (my 11 year old son) that we would go see Flyboys tonight, so I'll have to tear into it tomorrow evening.

Here we go on a grand adventure!!!!! :)
I share your excitement. Mine arrived last week and I inventoried this past weekend. I'm hoping to start building this weekend. woo hoo!

Wonderful opportunity to creat a plane and enjoy the association/learning experience with you son. Your greatest asset in building your plane with your son is patience.

You are in for the time of your life

Frank @ SGU and SLC
Professional Courtesy

tvlawyer said:
I share your excitement. Mine arrived last week and I inventoried this past weekend. I'm hoping to start building this weekend. woo hoo!

What a neat name, Larry.....I share your joy and I'm going through builder's withdrawal! Will you be at LZU next Satddy or still at school in Griffin?
I didn't know there was anything going on at LZU this weekend. I'll try to make it up there. I decided not to do the class in Griffin. I feel confident enough after the RV Assembly class in Corona that I'm ready to get started.

I fell into some aviation gold last week. Nomad called me and said "act quickly. there's a "For Sale" sign on a hangar at RYY. So I maxed out my credit cards and bought myself a hangar which I will rent out for a year or so until it comes time to put the wings on.
Congrats on getting started, Brent. I wish I had gotten start while my son was 11. (He's 16 now.) I just got my tail kit on 15 Sep, and I have worked overtime every day since then. :mad: Oh well. It puts me that much closer to having the $$$ for the wing kit. :D
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

Here's a picture of me excitedly examining the parts.


Welcome to the club. Now grab a pen and write this down. You won't know why, but it will make sence when you get to it:

1. Do not trim the rudder horn brace (R-710) per plans...trim to the bottom of the holes and work your way up as you test fit it. Mines trimmed to about the center of the holes.

2. When your mounting the electric trim servo to the cover plate (if your using electric trim), dont mount the Z brackets per the plans...its probaly wont center the clevis in the slot. Move it over untill it is centered, mine moved about 3/32-1/8". Also, the two most rearwardrivets that hold the Z brackets to the cover plate...dont put them where you would naturaly think to put them. Push them forward about 1/4", you will see that the corner of the servo is almost resting on the Z bracket, if you put a dimple and rivet there it will hit.

3. Deburr the edges of the trim tab first before any bending. If you don't have a longeron yoke for your pnuematic squeezer, Backrivet the trim tab spar on to the bottom before bending the trailing edge otherwise you will have to use blind rivets.

Thats as far along as I am, theres probaly more "gotchas" you'll find :)
Thanks for the responses guys!

Thanks for the gotcha's. I'd like to avoid building 2 tails so I can get my wings!

