
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,

I have been building for almost two year my slow build RV-8. I think my plane is going to be ready to fly in about 4 month (paint and some forward kit work, instrument).

I have more than 3000 hours flying in tricycle planes but jus 15 hours in a tail dragger (Cessna 180) 8 years ago. When I flew that Cessna I didn't think is was hard to land, all times I made 3 point landing in a grass strip with no troubles.

Now I want to fly at least 10 or 20 hours in a tail dragger before try to maiden my precious RV-8 but here in Chile I just can find Piper PA-18 to get some instruction and the only RV flying down here are RV-9A, so do you think get good instruction on a PA-18 and maybe some flying on a RV-9A would be enough to maiden my plane???

Please advice!!!!!!!!!

Happy Flying
Landing an RV-8 is a lot like flying a Cub from the front seat, so if you get good at that, you will be a long way toward understanding the sight picture for that phase of flight. You don't say if you have much high performance time (something with quick controls and light handling - the Cub won't help you there, but if you have any amount of time in a Yankee, that will help as well.

It's pretty hard to help folks with the "am I ready to fly" decision on line - much less from a far away land. The best bet, as always, is to get an RV checkout from one of the qualified transition trainers, but I know that will be tough for you.

Landing an RV-8 is a lot like flying a Cub from the front seat, so if you get good at that, you will be a long way toward understanding the sight picture for that phase of flight. You don't say if you have much high performance time (something with quick controls and light handling - the Cub won't help you there, but if you have any amount of time in a Yankee, that will help as well.

It's pretty hard to help folks with the "am I ready to fly" decision on line - much less from a far away land. The best bet, as always, is to get an RV checkout from one of the qualified transition trainers, but I know that will be tough for you.


Hi Paul, most of my flying time is with jets, so speed is not my problem but I am really afraid of a bad landing, I will follow your advice and fly the Cub till I feel comfortable landing 3 point and wheels.

What about tail authority feeling between the Cub and RV-8
With a forum ID of Airbuspilot, I'll hazard a guess that you fly (or flew) Airbuses. Assuming you are still flying the big birds, you probably do a fair number of overnight stops outside Chile. If you get outside South America, or to Brazil, you should have no problem finding other RVers who would be happy to take you flying. Maybe you can arrange to get a flight or two in an RV-6 or -7 during a lay over after you have gotten comfortable in the Super Cub.
With a forum ID of Airbuspilot, I'll hazard a guess that you fly (or flew) Airbuses. Assuming you are still flying the big birds, you probably do a fair number of overnight stops outside Chile. If you get outside South America, or to Brazil, you should have no problem finding other RVers who would be happy to take you flying. Maybe you can arrange to get a flight or two in an RV-6 or -7 during a lay over after you have gotten comfortable in the Super Cub.

Great Idea

I fly and spend a night or two at Madrid (LEMD) and Auckland (NZAA), so would be really nice to meet some RV builder/pilot and get a ride near those places