
Hello all
Looing at step 04, page 02.
I am not sure to what extent the fluting should be and what is the expected results (I understand the technique and principle).
Thank you
Tsachy Nevo.:confused:
They should be fluted so they will lay flat on your work surface. You?re removing the bow in them.
As well as getting them flat I think the light bulb coming on moment ;-) for me was later on the kit which was aligning the holes. If you look at the tail cone skin obviously the holes are in a straight line. If you pick up the frame and look down the line of holes you are going to rivet the skin to you will see they are not in a straight-line. If you watch the holes as you gently flute you will pull them into a straight-line.

I'm sure you just cleco the frames to the skin as they are pretty thin but you will have tensions in the structure.
Also remember that the tailcone is a conic form. The flanges of the frames are not oriented exactly 90 degrees to the skins -- close, but the flanges should be tweaked somewhat to lay flat against the angled skins.