Well Known Member
Just closing out the last few rivets on the tail cone join. There area a couple of rivets at the lap joint on F01470 L/R that appear to be next to impossible to get a good result from bucking or back riveting. Thinking and it is being suggested to me by multi experienced builders and A/P to use flush cherry max rivets.

I don't really want to start a gigantic debate. I'd just like to know if there is an easy way for me to figure out which CM rivet to use. The callout is for an AN426AD3-4.5.

Specifically, Page 30-08, Step 8. Riveting the last row of rivets in the forward side, bottom center, aft center and aft side skins.

I think the tail cone join has been a pretty good success, all the riveting has turned out good. The rivets in the lower radius were very difficult to achieve perfection. I'd say they're good enough. I would have liked perfection, but I am learning I'll always be one rivet gun blast short of perfection. . . :eek:
MK 319 BS is generally an acceptable replacement for 3.5 but may not have grip range for a 4.5. (Grip range up to .09 or so) There is an MK 321 BS with grip range .09 to .109.

CherryMax doesn’t make a 3/32 rivet.
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Quick Correction.

It is not the last rivet in the vertical line. It is the second to last rivet before the very corner of the forward side skin at the lap joint. It is calling for a 3-4. We are now thinking that a MK-319 BS will be sufficient.