
Well Known Member
Any suggestions for an inexpensive tablet that I can use on extended trips for downloading the latest Skyview and Chartdata stuff onto USB memory sticks? I also have a VP-X Pro so it needs an Ethernet connection and runs Windows for the configuration program. Something like an ipad or ipad mini but can do the above would be ideal. WiFi only.
Hi Larry, I'm not sure I understand the "USB stick" usage.

If you are wanting to load PDFs onto a tablet, all the platforms will do that. If you want to use the tablet as a file store (aka treat it like a USB stick) the Apple products will not support that. An android device can act like a USB storage device (using its USB cable). Depending on the files, you may or may not be able to access the file from the device.

Most Android devices can also support an SD car or microSD card which could be loaded with files. Again, depending on the file types, you may or may not be able to access the files from the device.

Finally, Android supports a mode called OTG (on the go). It will require an App (most are paid but low cost such as $2.50). The OTG mode requires a USB cable with a female end for connecting the USB stick. A little Googling will explain OTG and how it can be done on a stick tablet (aka not ROOTED).
You really need a PC to do this.

No Apple device will let you write to a USB stick, so those are out.

It's technically possible to do this on some Android devices, but you are going to be smashing you head against a wall trying to download a multi-gig zip file from Seattle Avionics and unzipping it to the stick. I don't think vertical power has an Android app either.

So, what you want is a windows laptop. Nice thing is that it doesn't need much power. So it's actually way cheaper than an iPad- there's no reason the cheapest laptop at Best Buy wouldn't work, and that's only $249.

There are also Windows 8 tablets like the Surface that will do what you need.

What Dynonsupport said, but....

If you want to actually have this device run while you're flying, strongly consider spec'ing it out with, or replacing the hard drive with, a SSD. The Solid State Drives run much better in a high vibration, high altitude environment. The hard drive read/write head relies on air to float the head over the platen. If you take that air away (go up to ~10k feet or more) and then vibrate it a bunch (think a 4 cylinder banging away at 2700 RPM, for example) you'll have a hard time. The SSD replaces all of that with solid-state memory, so those problems go away.

Look at the MS Surface. Light (not as light as an IPad), runs Windows, USB port, optional but very useable keyboard. Not sure about an ethernet port, but maybe an adapter can be had.

I am using a Surface Pro for my main work computer now and it performs well. You won't need the Pro, and the "light" version can be reasonably priced.