
I saw on here or EAA plans for a table for the C-frame. Now that it is time to build such a beast, I cannot find them. Would someone kindly show me the way.

I don't have plans but might be able to find a picture or three, but this is what I did. Using a crate from Van's shipping, I merely cut it down so it was the same height as the DRD2, then cut a hole in the middle to accommodate the dimpler. A couple of 2x2 screwed underneath for reinforcement and then off to Home Depot for some cheap carpeting to staple on.....

One note....there will undoubtedly be parts that need to dimpled and the table will impede the process (aileron skins for example) so make sure the table is mobile enough to pull off if needed.

Now...in search of some pics....feel free to PM me for more info

Here are some pics....my first stab at attaching. Sorry about the orientation, I'll save that for later!


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