
Well Known Member
Can someone give me the definition of "technically advanced aircraft avionics"? My insurance update has the blank and I want to make sure I meet the definition before I put anything other than zero inthe blank.
Chartis defines it as having a moving map GPS (IFR certified?), terrain / traffic advisory, and a 2 axis auto pilot. Others may have other definitions.
OK. No traffic yet. If I breakdown and add ADS-B it sounds like I would meet the requirement. The ADS-B would also cover the weather as well.
From a couple years ago here's the info that I got (AIG):
Aircraft Requirements:
1. IFR certified GPS
2. Moving map display
3. 2 axis autopilot
Plus 2 of the following systems installed on-board and operational:
Terrain awareness such as TAWS, GPWS or EGPWS
Traffic avoidance (TCAS)
Weather monitoring equipment such as stormscope, datalink or radar
Advanced fuel management such as a fuel totalizer
RNP capability

Pilot Requirements:
1. Private or more advanced pilot certificate with instrument rating
2. Completion of an IPC within the previous 12 months and annually thereafter in the make and model aircraft to be operated
3. Attend/complete 1 of 5 ASF courses in the preceding 12 months related to:
a. Single pilot IFR
b. Datalink
c. Thunderstorms
e. Runway Safety

...and if you stay up to date and document all of this, then they will give you about a 5% rate credit (approx a hundred bucks for most RV-sized policies).
...and if you stay up to date and document all of this, then they will give you about a 5% rate credit (approx a hundred bucks for most RV-sized policies).

Huh, , it will cost me several hundreds of dollars to save 100. I will leave that blank blank.