
I've searched my lycoming CD for all T-mod stuff, and besided the parts list updates, the onls S document I can find is SI 1406B, which supercedes 1406A. It does not detail the repair, only the associated part numbers.

I'm using a H2AD -Tmod on my 9a. Mounted the engine Sunday. :)

If you want the actual doc, send me your email via im. Rick 90432
H2AD Overhaul

I am in the process of overhauling my engine. I am not going to do the "T" Mod. I am going to use 351C Lifters. Does anyone know why the lifter body has a flat ground into it? My guess is is for oil flow.
351c lifters

Since the lifter/engine design goes back to the mid-60's, I doubt you'll find the design reason here, maybe the hot rod groups?

Since you're not going T, you could use the Canadian roller lifter cam/lifters, which is stc'd in Canada. My case was already T, so I had no options.

T Mod

I am already commited to stay with the original design.
This will be the third run.

I have one other question.

When we received the case back from DIVCO, they had a bag with 5 pipe plugs, 4 each 1/8" and one 1/16".

The parts manual only shows 4 plugs which leaves one 1/8" extra.

Does anyone know where it should be installed?

We plan to cal DIVCO Monday if we can not resolve.