Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
Everything has been going so smoothly on my first tank. I've been doing one rib per evening. Pro-seal has not been nearly so bad to work with as has been reported. Until last night...

Last night I did the inboard rib. I got the rib riveted in place and clecoed in the attach bracket and the stiffener on the other side. I could not get one side of the attach bracket flush with the rib. It set proud about 1/32 of an inch. It fit when I tried dry fitting before I started installing the rib. With pro-seal everywhere it was impossible to see why it would go flush against the rib. So I removed the attach bracket and cleaned off the pro-seal and the took a little off the front edge where it contacts the leading edge. I put pro-seal back on it and clecoed it in place. It looked better, so I installed the rivets. But when I was finished I could see that it again was not completely flush against the rib on the aft, bottom edge.

So now I'm thinking I need to remove it and scrap/sand off the pro-seal and figure out what is wrong.

What a mess! Should I let the pro-seal cure, should I try to remove it now. I'm leaning towards letting cure first. It would have to be saturated in MEK to remove it now and I was thinking that would it would be difficult to not weaken the pro-seal on the rib, because MEK would probably get everywhere.

If I let it cure how would I remove the pro-seal.