
Well Known Member
I'm mulling over the idea of taking the one-day basic builder course at the Synergy location in GA. I'd like to learn a few basic techniques for working with sheet metal so I can attempt certain repairs, learn what tools are requirements vs. nice to have, and gain a little confidence with drilling holes in my airplane.

Any of you fine folks done this? Worth the time?
I took it back before I started my build and I think it was worth it. I learned about the tools, and some simple techniques that got me going.

I know two people took it and then I worked with them further. I was amazed as how little they knew and had learned. It is certainly possible that they did not have as much of a back ground or not paying as close attention as they should have but they learned much more in a few hours than in that class.
I took the Synergy 1 day class after taking the EAA 2 day sheet metal/Van's class. I found the Synergy class to be basically the same as the EAA class, just more condensed. So I highly recommend either one (but not taking both).
My wife and I took the one day course in GA. It was absolutely worth it. It’s was a busy day!

If you expect to learn enough about sheet metal, electrical systems, fuel and hydraulics, fiberglass, etc. to build a plane, then I think you will be disappointed. The class is only 8 hours long.

On the other hand, if you want to learn a bit about the basics of sheet metal assembly, use some good tools and jigs, talk with other potential builders, ask a lot of questions and see several airplanes either under construction or completed - then you will get way more than your money’s worth.

I took the Synergy class in Eugene in 2016. I immediately started an RV-10 there, put it on hold, completed an RV-7 there and I am currently building the RV-10 with them in Newnan.

I also took the EAA two day class but was very disappointed in that. Too many students, too few instructors and the tools supplied were not very good.

I took the class recently. It gets your feet wet.

It’s required if you are going to build there. My opinion of why it’s required...because there’s no way they can tell how much experience you already have. In addition, without the class there’s no way you’d get through the tail in a week because there would be too many questions and stopping. It’s a layer of basic skills. Collect some layers from various sources and start building.
Thanks for the posts, all.

Like I said in the original, this is just for some basic skills/repairs. I already have a flying RV, so building isn't on the radar at the moment.

Appreciate the input. I'll look at signing up for July, I hope.
I went in October to Eugene and enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s good for learning the basics. I went back in March and got the Empennage kit for the RV-8 done in a week! Now I feel like I’ve got the skills to do the rest!

I took the 1-day Basic class back in May of 2019. In teams of two, we went through the process of completing Van's Control Surface Practice Project. I came away with the confidence that I at least had what it takes to build skills on what I had learned. Do I think the class was worth it? Oh yeah!

On May 17th this year, I ordered the empennage kit for the -14 (tailwheel). I haven't decided, but I may use Synergy to get the kit going.
I found it extremely helpful to build my empennage at Synergy. The basic class taught be the basics. I would have struggled building the empennage with just the basic class. Once the empennage was complete I really felt I understood the process of building a Vans kit. It also got the empennage (7A) done in a week instead of a month or two or eight. I did it with my two boys and we all loved the experience. I truly believe the course pays for itself with the mistakes it will save you.
Dual Thumbs UP ++

Suggest you take family members along so at least they know your pain and enjoyment during those long disappearances in the shop.

My wife joined me for the build class and after 3 years building, encouraged me to buy a flying RV7. 2nd best day of my life !!

You may ask, if that was the 2nd best day, what was the best day of my life?

Well, that was marrying the woman that said, "Go buy that airplane" and loves to go on trips in the RV........