
Well Known Member
According to the latest posting to , the "powers that be" have moved the SWRFI to the second weekend of October, starting in 2008.

This presents a major conflict with the annual LOE fly-in in New Mexico.

Hopefully, the organizers of LOE will look at the conflict and decide if the RV community has the option to attend both events. The only way that will happen is if the LOE is moved to a different weekend.

In my opinion, with the way SWRFI attendance and sponsor support has been deteriorating, I'd rather attend LOE if I had to choose between the two!
Morning, Mike!

Stan Shannon (SWRFI) emailed me about the new dates a couple of weeks back asking for input. I gave him Red Marron and Larry Vetterman's contact info (the two guys that have historically chosen the LOE date) and asked him to contact them.

Although I'm not certain he did call, I would assume that Red and Larry would not chose to have LOE on the same weekend as SWRFI. I'm certain Stan knows that if he has SWRFI and LOE competing it will really eat into the RV attendance at his event.

The beauty of LOE is its mobility, so I'm pretty sure there will not be a conflict.

I talked with Larry V and Red both and was told LOE was the first weekend
in Oct.--therefore we chose the second weekend even though we wanted the first weekend. We do not want to conflict with this great event.
Stan Shannon
RV-6, RV-9, Rv-9a

Thanks for the info, Doug & Stan!

October will be a much busier month next year! :)

Now if that South Texas weather will cooperate and provide cooler temps, the attendance will increase!
Cooler temps thanks

Stan and others,
THANKS for moving this event to cooler weather. I live in Austin and have been to all SWRFI for past 5 years till this year. Got tired of fighting the heat. Camping did not sound fun either in texas summer.
I am excited about the new date and will be there with CC or cash to buy things i need to complete rv8 in 2008. Camping may be an option now.

Vendors, if you are reading this, please try to make it to this event. With this change, i think numbers will greatly increase. I have talked with other local pilots that skipped it because of temps, but now will be going back.

Been to all LOE, SWRFI, and Reklaw. All great events and I will make them all in 2008. Have plane will fly!

Thanks again,

Jeff H