
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I was pretty skeptical about going to a fly-in west of San Antonio in June, but it really turned out to be a nice day with a constant breeze that kept things from ever getting scorching hot all day. I saw and talked to so many people from this and other RV forums that if I started to mention names, I would never end, and would assuredly leave someone out - so all I will do is say that it was GREAT to talk with so many RV builders, fliers, and those that would like to be. Seeing so many fantastically crafted airplanes was just as great - homebuilders really turn out some marvelous stuff!

I flew out for th day, with an aim at sliding in before the traffic got heavy. Hondo was reporting and forecasting alternating IFR and MVFR ceilings until 10:00, but I left Houston early anyway, knowing that there was clearer weather to the south and at any rate, I had enough fuel to circle and wait for improvement if I needed to. Flying out at 6500, I was on top of numerous broken and scattered layers of ground fog and weak cumulus. I began listening to people calling Creek Approach when I was quite a ways out,. and they were getting in, while the METAR was calling "Few @ 700, broken at 4500". That looked a little optimistic by my eyes as I found a huge hole between Kelly Field and Castroville and followed the highway inbound, but the approach and tower folks seemed to believe it, so who was I to argue? Visibility was good at any rate.

One of the benefits to getting there early was a chance to enjoy cooler temperatures, but I still liked the earlier date (last year it was late April or early May?). I was disappointed at th number of vendors there - I remember the last year it was held in New Braunfels I was actually able to buy building supplies, but this year you could basically shop for an engine, an airframe, or a Light Sport....or, of course, buy some tools from the Avery's (always great supporters of fly-ins!). Not needing any tools or engines today, I simply settled for a Funnel cake, and listened to my old boss Gene Kranz talk at noon about the early days of the program. I'm sure that the folks who stayed for the banquet and his talk about Apollo 13 will remember it well - he's a powerful leader and speaker!

I was not the only one that apparently had enough sun by 1400, and the departure line started building shortly thereafter. I ended up on top of scattered clouds at 9,500 all the way back to Houston, and the afternoon thundershowers began popping over downtown in a north/south line just about the time I was landing. It rained an hour or so later at my home field, so I guess I called the timing right - but it was fun to see how the "afternoon shower phenomenon" that I have watched for so many years appeared on the XM weather. It happens fast!

Overall, a nice day - I heard a rumor that they might move it to October next year, which would be cooler....but that the date might conflict with LOE, which would be BAD in my opinion. I know that both LOE and SWRFI would suffer with a lack of RV's - and I know that I, for one, would rather hang with the RV's at LOE.....

My wife and I got there around 11:30 on Friday and were done by 2:30. Like you, I was also very disappointed in the number and quality of vendors. AS had the smallest booth I've ever seen. Just selling cleaning supplies, etc. I wanted to shop for a handheld GPS or Comm but no one was selling. Very disappointing. The wind was blowing but there was very few places to get out of the sun. The vendor hangar was boiling hot.

I did get to see a Bearhawk, which will probably be my next project and had a nice flight both ways. I guess that makes up for the poor fly-in.

In all, I will probably skip this fly-in for a while, especially if its in June...


Hi Paul,

Just a quick note to say that I (and many others) enjoy that you share your flight adventures with us all. Keeps me working on that -6 in the garage.

Keep up the great work and have fun.
A few pictures

I drove down from Ft. Worth for my first visit to SWRFI. It was a lot smaller then I was expecting; however, I still had a good time. I stayed around for the banquet and to hear Mr. Kranz. I wasn?t disappointed.

I didn?t take many pictures, but here is a link to them. I thought the little cowboy taking food orders was one of those, ?Only in Texas? pictures.
RV8N said:
My wife and I got there around 11:30 on Friday and were done by 2:30. Like you, I was also very disappointed in the number and quality of vendors. AS had the smallest booth I've ever seen. Just selling cleaning supplies, etc. I wanted to shop for a handheld GPS or Comm but no one was selling. Very disappointing. The wind was blowing but there was very few places to get out of the sun. The vendor hangar was boiling hot.

I did get to see a Bearhawk, which will probably be my next project and had a nice flight both ways. I guess that makes up for the poor fly-in.

In all, I will probably skip this fly-in for a while, especially if its in June...

The date for SWRFI 2008 will be in October or early November.
More pictures.

More pictures of SWRFI 2007 at:

If you have been to my site before, you may have to hit the refresh button to see "SWRFI 2007" in the menu on the left.

thallock said:
More pictures of SWRFI 2007 at:

If you have been to my site before, you may have to hit the refresh button to see "SWRFI 2007" in the menu on the left.



Thanks for the picture posting. Now I can PROVE I was there! Page 2 proves it!
P-51 replica at SWRFI


You simply must tell us about that P-51 replica with the big RV letters on the side from page 2 of your photos. I copied the photo to my hard drive and zoomed in on the tail and the registration to identify the airplane but had no luck.

Give us the scoop, or if your original photo is higher resolution, post the tail number to let us look it up on the FAA registry database.


Jerry K. Thorne
East Ridge, TN
RV-9A - - N2PZ
The P-51 replica at SWRFI is a 2/3 scale SAL Mustang. It is basically a wooden airframe covered with fiberglass.
Mel said:
The date for SWRFI 2008 will be in October or early November.

I sure hope the organizers don't do the same thing they did to us (when I was part of the Copperstate Fly-In organizing team at that time) somewhere around 1990.

They scheduled their fly-in the same weekend that cooperstate had been for many, many, years.

In fact it caused a policy to be formulated (and every regional fly-in organization formally agreed to) that no regional fly-in organization would schedule their fly-in any closer than 3 weeks to any other with first consulting with them.
That's the reason for the indefinite date. I talked with Stan at the banquet Saturday night cautioning him about LOE and what SWRFI would be without RVs. He is looking for a date that does not conflict with major events. That's why it may be in November.
Got the N-number in 2005.


Sorry, I didn't read too many of the info sheets on the propellers, so I don't know anything about the P51 replica. However, I was pretty sure that I saw it at SWRFI before, so I looked at my 2005 pictures, and sure enough I got the tail number. It is N72796. As Mel said, it is an S A L P51D, built by Jerry Sides, out of Bandera Texas. Always a neat looking airplane, everytime I see it.

Well, if the SWRFI happens again some where in Texas in June - September, would you folks involved in organizing *please* think about some shade. How about a couple of large tents and possibly some fans.

There was literally nowhere to get out of the sun and still have a little (1-2 mph) breeze. We found a little sliver of shade in front of a hangar that lasted about 30 mins before disappearing. Getting scorched by the sun above and the concrete reflection below got old after about 2-3 hours, so our group fired up and left.
Date change

If you remember SWRFI used to be in September. I recall driving down to Kerrville one year only to find a hurricane arriving and one airplane on the field. Also, in Abilene the weather was usually bad. It usually is cooler.

Surely the powers that be won't schedule SWRFI on the same weekend as LOE!

rv3lynn said:
If you remember SWRFI used to be in September. I recall driving down to Kerrville one year only to find a hurricane arriving and one airplane on the field. Also, in Abilene the weather was usually bad. It usually is cooler.

Surely the powers that be won't schedule SWRFI on the same weekend as LOE!


The SWRFI website says it's scheduled for the first weekend in May next year. So, having not stayed around in the heat for the banquet, are we to understand that the plans are "up in the air!" again?
What about location, will it be moved from Hondo or is that the "permanent" home for the time being?
As it stands now, the Fly-In will be at Hondo (A change of location is NOT be considered!) in either October or November, 2008.
Stan had selected the 2nd weekend of October but not if it conflicts with another major event. And LOE IS considered a major event.
Last edited:

While it's been considered, it might be time to reconsider Galveston TX. Galveston offers a Towered airport with the following within a short walking distance; Flight Museam, Moody Gardens, Moody Hotel and Convention facilities and Schlitterbahn Water Park. Galveston also offers nearby camping facilities, a great beach, pier and surf fishing, beach hotels, fabulous restaurants and much more. SWRFI... a family affair!

With attendance averaging 4-hours, it's no wonder that our vendors have opted-out of this show. I believe that the Galveston location, while not centrally located in out great state, would increase the overall attendance and the average stay to 2-days. Hello vendors and welcome back!

Just my 'business' opinion. Have a great day!

R.E.'Ernie' Butcher
N99SU -8 Flying