I'm looking to purchase an 8A and would like adjustable rudder pedals due to a variety of sized people flying the plane, i.e. 6'4" me, 5'10" daughter. One that I am interested in has ground adjustable. Two questions: 1) How much of a hassle is it to adjust the "ground adjustable" kind? 2) Is it possible to change the rudder pedals to the "quick adjust" type on a completed aircraft? Thanks in advance for any insight.
I am 5? 10? and have the ground adjustable. I have them full forward, or as much forward as I can get them so they don?t hit the firewall.

To me, it just doesn?t seem like there is enough room to make a difference full forward or full aft.

Maybe for those who are 5? 6? or shorter.
That's funny you say that. I'm 5' 9" and I have the quick adjustable ones and I have mine all the way aft, towards the tail. Full forward I wouldnt be able to get full deflection on the rudder.

I think it would be easy to install them after the plane is completed. They bolt to the floor and firewall.
I did that change on a completed aircraft for the same reason.
I also had to switch from individual, cylinder-mounted reservoirs to a single reservoir on the firewall to avoid interference when full forward, full rudder.

Fortunately, the nut plates in the floor for the adjustable pedals were already installed as it was a quick-build kit. It would be a much bigger job if you didn't have them. Maybe rivnuts would work, but they wont lie flush.

It was about a full days work.
Oddly enough I have just got a set to change mine over. I?m still building, and my daughter has developed a passion for flying. She is a little shorter than me, hence the need to change the assembly!
On mine, I have them full forward. They'll hit the firewall if I'm full deflection and need to use the brakes, but I kind of figured if I'm at full rudder and NEED the brakes I'm already in way too deep.. maybe not the best solution, but I'm 6'5" and need the room. I have the 'tall pilot' option, but haven't drilled out the seat back rivets and moved the seat aft yet.
Thank you all for your input. I have bought the plane and will pick it up next Friday. I'll be looking to modify the pedals to the adjustable ones this fall. Thanks Again!