
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I am looking for some options on how best to light a localized area of the panel that houses switches or circuit breakers. I'm not a fan of post lights, and I am wondering what other options others might have use. I really don't need to light the whole panel, but I'd rather just have something that lights these areas. These areas are on the bottom of the panel, so it does not seem that something mounted to the glareshield would be ideal.

Any thoughts?

7A Finishing
tx_jayhawk said:
Hi All,

I am looking for some options on how best to light a localized area of the panel that houses switches or circuit breakers.

I built 3 kinds of lighting. Backlight on engine gauges, luminescent strip lighting, and the "eyeball" LED light. I now have 130 hours on the RV6, have only flown 3 times in the dark and found the most usefull to be the eyeball LED lights which can be directed very readily. They are cheap, easy to install and take very little space. SteinAir.com has them for $12.50 each.

Dick DeCramer
130 hrs
Northfield, MN
Portable light

Not endorsing but what about the host of portable battery powered lights that you put on a baseball cap, your wrist, finger or handheld flashlight. Do you need all that "light noise" in the cockpit to light to light the CB's full time. Just an idea. G
I used this:


They also have blue, which is apparently just as eye friendly. My switches were recessed about 1/2" back from the main panel, so I just ran this tape along the angle over the switches. The tape is invisible to the occupants of the plane, but it lights all the switches nicely. A google search for "EL tape inverter" will provide numerous other vendors.

I was initially concerned that the inverter might make noise on the radios or intercom, but nope - totally quiet.

And at $6 for five feet, it sure beats the $100 AS&S wants to charge for the same tape.