
Active Member
Does anyone know the point of no return on the fuse build to switch between a 14 and 14A? I have the opportunity to purchase a 14A fuse that is in progress but ultimately I would like a 14. Also, does anyone have a 14 fuse inventory list? I was able to find one for the A model only. Thanks
Ask the current builder where they stopped work

The tailcone/empennage construction plans are sections 6-12 and they are available on Vans website. If the builder has not started section 10 then i believe it would be very easy to change things up. You’ll have to get the right parts of course. Take a look at section 10 and you will see the pages where there are steps for tri-gear and tail-dragger versions. Just have to figure out what has been completed. The big things are the tail spring mount and that last bulkhead. If that part has already been done then you have some work to undo. Not sure how much disassembly that would involve.
Buy the plans on USB so you can study them. Do that no matter how you plan to get an RV-14(A) because they will show you a lot about maintenance, as well. The steps that differ between landing gear configurations are clearly labeled.

Just going from memory, the fuselage kit has few differences between the two. The steps are optional on the taildragger, for example. But I think the big problem is going to be the main gear attachment. The spar carry-through is assembled differently and the belly skins have holes for a tricycle gear plane. That might require major surgery.
Having built both but with a poor memory , I will give this a shot. I'm quite sure the skins are the same for both in regards to the "A" landing gear. Only one skin is opened up and the builder has to open the second skin in that area if they are going with the "A" model. The second skin closes the hole in the taildragger model. As for the spar I noticed no difference only the gear attach parts were missing on the "A" model. The brake line holes are only #40 holes so you don't open those up as the brake lines go out the firewall in the taildragger model. Cannot think of anything else that you would have to consider.