
Well Known Member
With all of the talk about the heat I haven't seen an answer to 'the sweat on the aluminum problem'. What is the best simple wipe down fix to get this off after working on something and getting that corrosion causing stuff on it??????

Isopropyl alcohol.

I keep it in an atomizer bottle on the bench. It wipes clean, doesn't affect future paint adhesion and smells REFRESHING!


It stings on cuts but cleans the wound!

;) CJ
Great timing on this topic! I returned home from overseas last week to find a 1' x 2' area of my right wing skin covered with white corrosion. Then I remembered that's where I'd been leaning across and fishing conduit through the ribs last week. I remember sweating profusely while doing it, and I didn't wipe off the wings when I was done.

So this week, I got to spend an hour sanding, cleaning, and priming the area. Yikes! I'll certainly be more careful next time. It never occurred to me that sweat could be so corrosive on Alclad.
I live in hot, humid SC and am currently polishing my RV-8 skins for the first time. It is frustrating since everytime a drop of sweat (and there are many...) hits the metal, I have to come back again and clean it up. If I brush against polished metal, I will have to hit it again for sure. The other interesting observation is that people can't help but to touch a polished has some sort of gravitational pull which draws them in. After they touch it and realize that they have left a smudge, they always apologize. I tell them not to worry about it and explain that they had no choice...the metal always wins in the battle of will power. Shiny metal and Nuvite fumes...ahhh what sweet elixir!

If you run out of metal that is in need of your fixing??????? Let me know!! :D