
Well Known Member
At last I have an aircraft part. The VS is completed and only god knows when I will get back around to touching it again.

Before I put it away for (X) years, I'd like to remove some of the sweat and hand oils off the surface of the skin.

What's the best stuff for it? I thought about MEK, but thought that might be over the top.

Is there something you like to use? Preferrably something that cuts the oil and evaportates cleanly.

MEK or acetone

Don't worry about it too much.

I always get a chuckle when folks worry about little scratches and the like, because just before you get ready to paint the entire aircraft it is scratched up with scotchbrite and sandpaper.:rolleyes:

Same with the oils from your hand, don't sweat it - pun intended. Just clean it off with acetone or MEK - it won't hurt the aluminum any. I find that acetone is better as MEK can leave a bit of residue.

The bigger thing - try to keep it in a place with lower humidity if at all possible and of course out of the elements and the VS that you committd blood, sweat and tears to will be just fine.

Happy Building,

Water with a little rubbing alcohol will remove sweat
and body oils. Prep All from the Bondo section at Wal
Mart is a good wax and grease remover. Prep All is also
one of the best precleaners prior to priming and painting.

Hope this helps, Pat
I have been using isopropyl alcohol in an atomizer bottle and it works well!

It dries fast and clean. No harmful what-do-ya-callits and it smells nice!

:) CJ
Other stuff

The bigger thing - try to keep it in a place with lower humidity if at all possible and of course out of the elements and the VS that you committed blood, sweat and tears to will be just fine.

...and where your neighborhood cats can't come in and mark their territory in a dispute with your cat...:mad:

gil A