Top Cat

Well Known Member
Today I uploaded SV.12.0 from the Vans site along with the ADS-B .dfg file as directed by Vans.

I flew immediately afterwards and note that the ADS-B display looks a bit different. Instead of getting the ADS-B and TIS status on the left side of the map screen I now get the status on the lower right.

Today I had ADS-B 'OK' or "On no radar' and TIS with "OK" or not there.

I didn't see any traffic for a while. Then I suddenly got a Traffic alert with the yellow dot at my position and altitude. The direction trend vector flooded my heading changes and the whole display remained for about 20 mins before disappearing.

I did pick up a couple of other traffic alerts later which appeared to be behaving normally.
The file is 12-ADS-B-PRE-SETS-04-03-14.dfg and is reloaded as SV.12 wipes out the settings installed at Vans.

I have anew SLSA and so haven't much exposure to the ADS-B display and certainly haven't seen the traffic alert on my own plane, and for so long.

Just wondering if anyone has and ideas? Perhaps I need to tweak something in the settings?

Thanks for any help!