
Rarely, no, almost never do I get the kind of customer service I received today at UMA. My RV-6A has a cranky tachometer and I finally decided to replace it. I've had problems in the past with mechanical tachs and wanted this one to be electronic and to get its signal off the magnetos. I started researching instrument companies and found out that UMA is a US company out of Dayton, Virginia that does all its manufacturing right there in Dayton. They make quality aircraft instrumentation according to the reviews and evaluation articles I read. I'm on a tight budget, so I looked for one of their tachs on eBay and found one and ordered it. I called the UMA main number to find out what I would need to hook the tach up electronically and got Susie on the phone. She works in sales. I confessed I'd just bought one of their tachs on eBay and needed to talk to someone about the technical requirements for hooking it up to my particular engine and magnetos. Susie said she could hand me over to their tech support folks, but maybe she could answer my questions. I'm used to sales at technical product companies being pretty clueless . . . . Susie was about as far from clueless as you can get. She answered my questions, confirmed that I'd picked the wrong UMA product, and steered me to a local Colorado company (BAS) that was selling some of UMA's old stock at a deep discount. Armed with all the part numbers I called BAS. They didn't have the tach Susie recommended and gave me the part numbers for what they did have. Back to Susie where she confirmed that the tachs BAS had would work but didn't have hour meters. I need an hour meter. I was a bit frustrated by then and Susie said "let me check and see what we have in the back." Long story short, I ended up getting exactly what I needed with all the right markings and the wire harness for my Bendix mags at a great price.

Susie went out of her way to help me, took a ton of time educating me on all the options for tachs and how to hook them up, even though she knew from the first minute she wasn't going to get the sale - although, in the end, she did. When does that ever happen these days? Wow.
Very similar results here. I ordered a UMA 3 1/8" ASI for my current project. After final panel layout, I realized that I would need a 2 1/4" instrument. Since I had ordered it with range markings, ACS would not take it back because it was a special order.

I called UMA and talked with Susie. I sent them my instrument and after they checked it out, they exchanged it for a new 2 1/4' instrument for a very reasonable fee.
UMA - great products, great support

I called them on a Sunday to pick up their business hours from the voice mail tree and the President of the company answered! Told him I had a technical question and he said "shoot". Told him what it was and he gave me a detailed technical explanation and then thanked me for my business. Hung up the phone shaking my head a little saying to myself.."did that just really happen?".