
Legacy Member
Well, It's time for an update. I had total knee replacement 31 Oct.(Right knee). Surgery went well except that my prostate didn't play well with the anesthesiology.

Prostate surgery 18 Dec. Surgery also went well but recovery will be slow.

Hopefully things will improve and I will be back in service by mid January.

Not one of my funnest Holiday seasons.
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Glad to hear you are on the mend, Mel! Continue to do what the boss says and get well soon! :D
It sounds like you are now on the cutting edge with your aftermarket parts installed and operational.

Sometimes those quick drains fail when they do, you must perform some maintenance on them.

Good to hear all that is behind you now Mel.

Have a good and relaxing Christmas!
Mel---so very glad to hear you are on the mend! Do what the Drs and nurses say----and let us know if we can help you.
Thank you for the update Mel!!!! I've been thinking about you and Ann but didn't want to bother if you were in the middle of rehab. So glad to hear you are on the recovery side of the curve and making progress.

Next year you'll have a kick ***, 100% knee out of phase 1.

Hang in there and don't hesitate to reach out if you or Ann need anything. I'll fly it over.

Just remember Mel - you’re not “in a condition for safe operation” until Ann signs off on you....;)

We’re cheering you on!

Paul & Louise

Good to know you are mending. But sorry you had to go back into phase one.
Looking forward to seeing you out and about soon.
Glad your surgeries went well. I had TKR to my right knee in June of 2018 so I know what you're going through. Therapy is tough, but it does get better, and the bionic knee works loads better than the worn out OEM version.
Glad your surgeries went well. I had TKR to my right knee in June of 2018 so I know what you're going through. Therapy is tough, but it does get better, and the bionic knee works loads better than the worn out OEM version.
second this. I had the same procedure in May 2018. Once you get past the rehab the new knee is a game changer. Hang in there, have a nice holiday rest.
Best wishes for a speedy and pain free recovery

Sorry to hear about the surgeries and how they went south on you. I do hope you make a speedy recovery and can begin to really enjoy life again. 2020 WILL BE a good year! Keep the faith!