Ivan Kristensen

Well Known Member
Recently I replaced the LH Slick Impulse Mag with a Surefly EI but in the process lost tach info from that side. If anyone has experienced the same problem and found a fix posting it here would be greatly appreciated. Thx.
I think GRT can use the signal from the P-lead, if that P-lead acts like a real P-lead. You might want to consult with Surefly about that. I don't see any published manuals online.
I would love to do that setup, Lightspeed + SureFly. Let us know please how it works!
I have identical configuration as you...I only have 10 hrs on sure fly.
I am planning on installing ( just received) a UMA tach sensor till surefly has their solution tested ....up till now I have been pulling rpm from light speed....I don't like the fact it drops when doing mag check. I would prefer a non contact tach sensor that is stand alone and isolated from ignition systems but have not found that solution.
We should talk and compare notes...I just did a trip to California and back and I think the aircraft egt are closer in range to each other than previous...also seems smoother but also reclocked prop and balanced at same time.
The mag check does have significant more drop than off lightspeed but I believe this is engineered by design. The latest version of the surefly is very well done in my opinion.
Surefly Pirep!

I think GRT can use the signal from the P-lead, if that P-lead acts like a real P-lead. You might want to consult with Surefly about that. I don't see any published manuals online.
I would love to do that setup, Lightspeed + SureFly. Let us know please how it works!
The good folks at GRT are working on a solution and so is Jason Hutchinson at Surefly. Neither have come up with the fix at this time but I am sure they will soon.

I am well please with the Surefly IE although I was surprised as first when the RPM drop and EGT rise more closely resembled a Magneto than to Light Speed EI. The LS has very little rpm drop and egt rise during the "mag check" so I expected the Surefly to be the same but it is not. It was explained to me that this was done on purpose so that it would indeed be similar to the Mag Check.

The ease of installation was a big plus for me. The installation and timing of the Surefly is very easy and if you are replacing one of two magnetos all you have to do for pwr. is connect near the starter solenoid. In my case I was adding a second Electronic EI so I added a 3A TCW IBBS as a backup prw source for the Surefly.

I am going on a 5.5hr cross country trip the middle of June and will have a much better "feel' for how it performs after that. Will report here.