
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I will be removing the main gear from my -7A for re-powder coating. I will be using a couple of wing jacks on the tie downs to lift the plane. Does anyone have suggestions for supporting the plane while on the wing jacks? Thinking about using a couple of padded saw horse positioned under the fuse center section to help support the plane and not solely depend on the wing jacks. Is this location an acceptable location if the wings and engine are installed? Do I need to support the tail as well?

Thanks as always
I've had my fuselage on a padded dolly, with the forward end resting on a padded 2x4 under (just aft of) the firewall, with the firewall angles effectively taking the load. This with the motor mount and motor installed. Not a Lyc, but roughly the weight of a ready to fly Lyc; 335 lbs fwf. No damage.

As usual, YMMV. :)

During build and phase 1, I used a padded saw horse under the main spar carry through. I used my jacks in that area as well. That was for an A model.
