
Active Member
Looking for suggestions, given all the price hikes lately (especially the IO-390EXP) my support staff (wife) is losing the motivation to continue my RV-14A build. I started back in 2014 with a (really) slow build. Costs were much lower then.
I was thinking of finding an RV-14A owner in the area that may be willing to take my wife up so that she can experience the aircraft firsthand. My goal is to keep the support staff motivated. I think this might help, but any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

BTW, anyone on the forum have an RV-14A based near Greensboro, NC?
I am a ways away, but . . .

I can help you - I am at Parker Field (SC47), 195 drive miles from Piedmont Triad area; 155 fly miles.
It's understandable that your wife is concerned about rising costs. We rationalised that our project will have higher nett worth if it is completed, rather than sold part-built.
You can control the cost of what goes into the panel to some extent, but with the engine it is not so easy.
I'm not certain that a flight with a stranger will help her, depending on the way that pilot flies their plane.
I'm not certain that a flight with a stranger will help her, depending on the way that pilot flies their plane.

If she's not a pilot, then perhaps some stalls and inverted flight will motivate her! :D
Same boat, at this point it's sunk cost for us. The avionics is going to be a rock I tie to a string and tape to the empty dash though.
Same boat, at this point it's sunk cost for us. The avionics is going to be a rock I tie to a string and tape to the empty dash though.

Lots of good used airspeed/altitude/vsi devices coming on the market every week. Also, older Dynon and GRT systems come up from time to time, and are extremely good value.
Looking for suggestions, given all the price hikes lately (especially the IO-390EXP) my support staff (wife) is losing the motivation to continue my RV-14A build. I started back in 2014 with a (really) slow build. Costs were much lower then.
I was thinking of finding an RV-14A owner in the area that may be willing to take my wife up so that she can experience the aircraft firsthand. My goal is to keep the support staff motivated. I think this might help, but any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

BTW, anyone on the forum have an RV-14A based near Greensboro, NC?

Go see Jeff, or visit the Triple Tree Fly-In near Enoree SC, weekend after next. Heck, do both!

The facility at Triple Tree is amazing. It's hard to imagine a place more pleasant to take someone who needs a shot of airplane enthusiasm.
Dan's suggestion of Triple Tree is a very good one.
My wife is not big on flying but to visit the grandkids or the Bahamas she is good. We did the trip to TT one year to camp and she had a blast. They even had a bus to take the ladies to town for shopping one day. She has talked about returning a few times.

I pitched the aircraft as an asset similar to having a vacation home. Both need a lot of dollars to get into, require time/money (sometimes agonizingly so) for maintenance along the way, and are worth something when the time comes to move-on.

The bonus we like is that unlike a cottage, we can go to any vacation rental rather than the same old place. Flying has its own challenges like WX and transportation at destination, but we can get there without having to contend with orange barrels, squeeze-downs, drunks/stoners, jams, left-lane cruisers, aggressives, space cadets, and seniors well down the decline curve.
Wow!!!!! I feel spoiled.
My wife encourages me to go to the hangar/airport.
When I bought my first RV-6 kit back in 1991, she said sounds like fun building.
You need something to do during a recession. I built houses for 43 years and there were no houses to be built during that time. (((fun recessions)))!!!
She never set a foot in the shop when I was building though.
My luck Art
I got married between the end of Phase I of my RV-14 and the first condition inspection. My wife had never been in a small plane before. We had to make a trip that's 6 hours by car or about 1.5 hours in the RV-14, and the condition inspection was due. She not only told me to go to the hangar to work on the plane, but came with and helped out a lot to finish the inspection and get it back in the air in time to avoid the drive.

I hope that helps you and your wife through the project. Like all construction projects, it'll be worth it when it's done.

But if it falls through, just remember this bit of wisdom: If your wife hates your airplane, you just have to get a new one.
Hello neighbor

I’m based at KGSO with a RV-14. Not an A model but your more than welcome to come out and check it out.

Triple Tree should be a definite experience. I wish I was able to go.

I know of someone nearby you with a recently completed RV-14A. Message me directly and I’ll send you the contact info.
Spoiled? I have the record!

Wow!!!!! I feel spoiled.
My wife encourages me to go to the hangar/airport.
When I bought my first RV-6 kit back in 1991, she said sounds like fun building.

My wife isn't a pilot but 47 years ago when we got married, she was an airline stewardess who liked little airplanes -- I grabbed her and ran.

I was happy with the -8A but Colorado winters were cold in the back seat. Marti saw the -14A prototype at Van's and asked me if I would build one because she would have more heat and a flight display on her side. I said OK if she would help. She drove every rivet where a second person was needed and came into the garage whenever I asked for another set of hands. She even built the tanks, sealant and all.

We travel all over in the airplane and plan to die of old age still owning it. It's a keeper -- just like her...

I've yet to find a builder with better luck!
unlike race cars and normal cars or motorbikes....aeroplanes are like boats...looked after they do not depreciate quickly. try buying an engine now...then again in two years!....thats why I jumped on the bandwagon for my 180 M1B before the price I did with every other RV7 kit...except the FWF kit...since I did that and still waiting for my 6 month lead time fuse and wing to show up inside of 20 months the price has risen we think these price rises are going to stop?

Whatever someone will pay for your RV14 today will cost more in the future and especially if its yes to future wealth...its only a cost to run it and if you fly now you will pay all that by hiring an aeroplane anyway.

1. it makes you happy. 2. you 'aint getting out of this life alive. 3. your aeroplane will go up in value. 4. see point 2 again. hang in there man.
Go see Jeff, or visit the Triple Tree Fly-In near Enoree SC, weekend after next. Heck, do both!

The facility at Triple Tree is amazing. It's hard to imagine a place more pleasant to take someone who needs a shot of airplane enthusiasm.

Sorry I've been off the forum for a while and missed the opportunity you presented. I'm doing my best to stay motived.
I pitched the aircraft as an asset similar to having a vacation home. Both need a lot of dollars to get into, require time/money (sometimes agonizingly so) for maintenance along the way, and are worth something when the time comes to move-on.

The bonus we like is that unlike a cottage, we can go to any vacation rental rather than the same old place. Flying has its own challenges like WX and transportation at destination, but we can get there without having to contend with orange barrels, squeeze-downs, drunks/stoners, jams, left-lane cruisers, aggressives, space cadets, and seniors well down the decline curve.

Sorry for the late reply. We couldn't stop laughing after this response because we know where you're coming from here.
I’m based at KGSO with a RV-14. Not an A model but your more than welcome to come out and check it out.

Triple Tree should be a definite experience. I wish I was able to go.


Sorry for the late response. This weekends weather looks great. Are you going to be at the airport? We would love to see your RV-14.
When I decided to buy an RV a few years ago, I got no grief at all….nor do I get comments about what aviation costs. My wife has horses and rides dressage at Prix St. George level. Need I say more?

She’s not enthusiastic about flying in small planes, but is OK with it if we’re actually going somewhere. What’s odd is that she was a helicopter flight nurse for many, many years and loves helicopters. I’ve never understood her concerns about small airplanes when she gets so enthusiastic about flying in aircraft that make virtually no aerodynamic sense whatsoever.
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