Well Known Member
I have a dual screen GRT Horizon I panel in my RV-10.

I have been battling a problem with the headings not agreeing between the two screens. Not a really bad problem but annoying never the less.

GRT has been very helpful the whole time, but they outdid themselves this time. I flew my airplane down to SnF for a couple days this week. After the show ended on Wednesday, EVERYONE from GRT walked to my airplane (about 3/4 mile) and helped me troubleshoot the issue. I am not sure how big GRT is, but I am pretty sure I had about 70% of their entire organization working on my airplane.

I wish I could say we solved the problem (we didn't) but we did check lots of stuff and eliminate some of the potential sources of the problem. The GRT team gave me some more ideas to try and have agreed to continue to help find the problem.

I'm very impressed. Unfortunately it will now cost me about $2400 since I fell in love with the new high speed processor Horizon I while I was at their booth.

Thanks Greg, Jeff, Carlos, and Keith.

Hey Bruce,

I couldn't agree with you more! I am building a 7 and only live about 20 miles from their shop so I get to stop in every once in a while to play with all of their latest toys:D Even though I am still about a year away from building my panel, Carlos is always available to answer my questions about their systems and related equipment, even how to configure my project for the future. The only thing I can't get out of him is any information about the features they are working on and what might be available in the future:confused: As hard as I try, I just can't get them to tell me about all of the cool stuff they are working on.:cool:

Anyway, You are correct in that they are very good folks to work with and their products are the best!