
Well Known Member
Just stopped by Superior today and placed my order, They Will have a estimated $2,000 price increase on all engines starting March 13th. I worked with a Gentleman named Brett and he was a huge help, took me around all their assembly shops and parts department and then watched one run on the dyno. All Very cool stuff. Overall I am very pleased. I ordered an XP-IO360 with horizontal cold air induction, Precision Automotive Fuel Injection, Dual P Mags and custom Paint. Very Very Pleased




What I can't figure out is if the economy is really in as bad a shape as everyone says, how can engine prices have increased about 10% in the past year....pretty much across all the manufacturers and assemblers? I guess they haven't heard that there's a recession on... ;)

Maybe we homebuilders truly are "the one percent" :D
I am with you

Paul on that, at this rate, by time I am ready for my engine, I will have to have two more jobs and a sell my second born to afford one. Wait a minute, I don't have a second born. Its sad to see this because I am afraid that, like everything else, the engines are going to be so far out of reach. People will not be able to build any beautiful homebuilts any more. Another shot to GA again.

David - what was the price on that engine? It's almost identical to the one I want them to build for me.
Total price came to $27,450

$23,500 base price
$1,450 horizontal induction
$300 for constant speed adaptor (for the future in my case)
$1,200 for dual P mags
$1,000 custom paint
