andrew phillips

Well Known Member
I have an XP-IO 360 with one right side slick mag. Problem is I have 2 different wiring diagrams. The one that came with the engine shows (at mag viewed from back)
top left - #3
Top right #1
Bottom left #2
Bottom right #4
My engine came from the builder wired like this:
top left #2
top right #3
Bottom left #4
bottom right #1
If I need to change to the top version, can I just remove the mag back cap and relocate the wires because they are currently too short to work out this way. The reason I suspect something is wrong is because when I tried to run on the mag I got a lot of backfiring and the engine died. It did run fine on the electronic on the other side.
Please ignore those diagrams.. they seem to only confuse people. Mag can be rotated (it's a round hole, after all) quite a bit during installation, so whoever installs it has some wiggle room how it'll be clocked/oriented.

The cap goes only one way on the back of the mag.. otherwise, screws won't line up... The plug side has T1, B3, etc markings. If you have one EI and one mag, ignore T and B, and mind only the numbers... so 1 has to go to cylinder 1 etc.. etc..