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Superior Doc's

Moral of the story, Brantly International, Inc. is the new "Stalking Horse" bidder for Superior. If I read it correctly, the chapter 11 plan might even support Superior Air Parts Warranty claims! But don't take my word for it. For those of us with proof of claims filed in bankruptcy court, (maybe I'm the only one) it might turn out better than I thought. Somebody at Theilert didn't perfect their interest in Superior... ooooops to the tune of 10 million.
Fingers are crossed!

I sure hope this happens as it will bring back a great experimantal engine option.

Superior was a great company. I really like my XP-360 and my experience dealing with Superior prior to the bankruptcy.
Internal parts as well

Not only reviving a great engine but parts supplier as well. The bearings for my rebuild are Superior parts.
Superior Engines

Hey N54SG thanks for posting the information. Also, a big round of applause for all those, including the state government of Texas who have helped put the stop on Lycoming and their attempt to eliminate competition. It?s sad when the only way you can make your star shine brighter is to dim or eliminate other stars around you. Superior did build a truly superior engine and hopefully will once again be cranking them out.

I don't know anything about this helicopter guy, but if he is tight with Lycoming??. He could just be a front man to help them finish what they were not allowed to do directly??.. only time will tell.

Free markets require competition??competition requires participants??.

True Competition or True Free Markets require ?many? participants.
Maybe I don't see the evil . . .

Superior went Ch11 because their business model didn't work. That's not Lycoming's fault, other than Lycoming being a competitor; driving Superior out by having a better business model/better product/better service/whatever is what a free market economy is about. We can get into the whole German-owned company thing if you like, since I work for one, I have a bit of insight on it, and it does matter/is relevant. The thought processes that go into building a business case is, well, different.

And really, how many engine suppliers can our little industry support?

Lycoming buying the assets of a failed company is completely legit and defensable. I saw hints in industry rags they were going to do something with it all. You might have liked it. It may have died with the economic slump anyway. Who's to say?

Texas stepping in has nothing to do with protecting our interests, only Texas's, which I suspect is tax-related.

Warranty? In many cases people chose the clone route on price. Some risk was assumed, knowingly or not. This is the realization of risk. I assumed risk by buying Lyc parts and assembling them myself. If it throws a rod on startup, it's not anybody's fault but mine.

So while I can empathize with you that have been left high and dry with warranty or product support issues due to Superior (BMA?) folding, and fully support your exercising all of your rights to resolution; villifying Lycoming is something I just don't see as logical or reasonable.

Just my opinion. Rick 90432
Superior went Ch11 because their business model didn't work. That's not Lycoming's fault, other than Lycoming being a competitor; driving Superior out by having a better business model/better product/better service/whatever is what a free market economy is about. We can get into the whole German-owned company thing if you like, since I work for one, I have a bit of insight on it, and it does matter/is relevant. The thought processes that go into building a business case is, well, different.

And really, how many engine suppliers can our little industry support?

Lycoming buying the assets of a failed company is completely legit and defensable. I saw hints in industry rags they were going to do something with it all. You might have liked it. It may have died with the economic slump anyway. Who's to say?

Texas stepping in has nothing to do with protecting our interests, only Texas's, which I suspect is tax-related.

Warranty? In many cases people chose the clone route on price. Some risk was assumed, knowingly or not. This is the realization of risk. I assumed risk by buying Lyc parts and assembling them myself. If it throws a rod on startup, it's not anybody's fault but mine.

So while I can empathize with you that have been left high and dry with warranty or product support issues due to Superior (BMA?) folding, and fully support your exercising all of your rights to resolution; villifying Lycoming is something I just don't see as logical or reasonable.

Just my opinion. Rick 90432

For what reason would Lyco buy Superior if it were not to protect market share ?? I dont blame them trying though. Why wouldnt they want a monopoly.