
Well Known Member
Looking to see if anyone has had any experience with Super Hawk tires? Have been told they compete with Flight Custom 3s. Both are belted tires. Seen a set today and am curious. Thanks
I have 1700+ hours on my RV-8. I just got started on my 4th set of tires. My kit originally came with the McCreary Air Hawk tires. At 500-600 hours I switched to the Goodyear Flight Special ll. I got 500-600 hours on those too. I switched back to the Air Hawks and got another 500-600 hours on those. I’m a believer of the Air Hawks.

The biggest difference I noticed between the two is that the Goodyear are heavier. And when they’re worn, there seems to be a lot more meat left on the tire. I use my tires to near bald. My tires wear very evenly, but I do baby them. I’m OCD about tire pressure and I rotate the tires side to side and flip them on the wheels. When the Air Hawks are worn, they are quite thin. I almost feel like I can push my finger through them although obviously I cannot.

I realize that the Super Hawk and the Flight Custom lll are different tires than the ones I wrote about above, but I hope this helps.