
Well Known Member
I had one of those life is a lot harder when you're stupid moments and stepped on my 130+ hour Lightspeed Zulu headset, snapping the magnesium earphone adjustment slider. Clearly not a factory defect!

Called Lightspeed Customer Service, told them my tale of stupidity, and went through the normal return admin process, at the end of which I offered to provide a credit card number.

They said they didn't need it - repairs would be covered by the warranty, including replacement of a lost foam mike cover. Received the headset yesterday - they even paid return shipping. I'll be a Lightspeed customer for life.
Recently I saw an offer for used headsets of another not to be named brand. I thought about buying them but then recalled possible high fees for repairs by that brand and the excellent service I have gotten from Lightspeed.

I did not buy the non-Lightspeed headsets.

Plus there are apparently used Zulus being sold by Aircraft Spruce. I am waiting for a report by someone who just ordered a set.
Yup, Lightspeed's customer service sold me on them. My first set was a 15XLc I bought secondhand off eBay. Fast-forward a few months...one of the ear cup cradles broke. So I look at the diagrams, determine that I can replace the cradle myself, and call up Lightspeed to order the replacement parts.

Like you, after telling them what I needed, I was prepared to give them my card number for the parts. "Oh, don't worry about that, just tell someone about us." The man never even asked how old the set was, whether I was the original owner, any of that.

So yeah, when I decided to upgrade, I stuck with Lightspeed, and will probably do so for the foreseeable future, unless I try an in-ear set like the QT or Clarity...

I had two pair of the 3gs (along with my airplane) get destroyed in a flood.
Asked if I could upgrade them to the new Zulu's, even with the damage. No problem at all.
Yep, they are awesome.