
Well Known Member
On the drive home, I was admiring what a nice afternoon it was. Got home and got a message Kris was going to be late. With no plans and an hour of daylight left, I raced to the hangar(nice to live 3 minutes away)

As I rolled Aurora out, I grabbed this quick phone pic before I nestled in. Man I love that paint job.

I decided to climb to Mt Baldy a run along the ridge. A little bumpy as I got close so I banked for the valley floor as I snapped another pic.

Visibility was only about 100miles today.

Once down near the deck I managed to find long shadows of wintering elk. Probably 500 or so in several groups.

To top off the evening, I had a beautiful sunset before I turned her toward home.

Not a bad way to spend a calm evening. Keep pounding them rivets.
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Nice photos. Had family in the south Bitteroot valley, Darby. Love it there.

Sunset flights are enjoying pure peace.
Possible Trip back into your area

Last time through MT I drove right past your airport. If I'm driving between Helena and Bozeman again, I'll shoot you PM - maybe stop by for hanger flying?

Past 10 or 11:00 AM, we're lucky to get 5 miles of visibilty here in the Summer. Always enjoy your photos.
MT Baldy

Hey...We have a mount Baldy here too!
Nice pics. Thanks for posting
Just East of CAU3 airport...


As I rolled Aurora out, I grabbed this quick phone pic before I nestled in. Man I love that paint job.

WOAH!! When I first saw this pic, the wing is so shiny, I thought you were nose down in a lake!! Nice pics. I LOVE that paint job!!
boy, am I glad I went flying yesterday. Started snowing last night and hasn't stopped. Shoveled the walk 2X already and forecast for snow for the next 5 days. gotta take em when you can

Pete, I waiting for a call back on a BZN hangar spot.