
Well Known Member
Today turned out 8/8 blue for most of England - which was great as the RV Squadron (Vanatics in the UK) has planned a lunchtime fly out to Turweston. First time a lot of people had got out to play this year thanks to a very cold and wet winter - although it was still rather nippy at 3 dec C (37F) with a wind chill of -2 (28F) in a bitter NE wind from Scandanavia. 15 aircraft were booked in, and more than that arrived - including the first RV-8A to fly in the UK, G-RVCH. One of the interlopers was a (Lycoming powered) Me-108!! The amazing that this 75 year old design didn't look at all out of place.


more pictures here, courtesy of Adrian Mardlin & Iain Ogilvie.
