
Well Known Member
From sun n fun is there any special route consideration to get to 82j. Avoid the restricted but go through the moa?s wit flight following or ifr or can I go through the restricted airspace.
There's a vfr corridor along the coast line you can fly with flight following. Contact the controllers and enjoy the view.
You'll need to have flight following to get through the east/west coastal transition area. You'll end up with Pensacola approach into Ferguson.

If you're not using flight following from as far south as Lakeland start with Tyndall approach then you'll be good to go. It looks a little intimidating on the sectional but really easy as pie and you can't beat the view! I've flown it every time to/from Sun n Fun.

Here is a link to that area from my flight home couple years ago. I was a little south out over the water and don't remember why. You can be right over the beach if you want. Where ever you are the view is spectacular.
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You'll need to have flight following to get through the east/west coastal transition area. You'll end up with Pensacola approach into Ferguson.

If you're not using flight following from as far south as Lakeland start with Tyndall approach then you'll be good to go. It looks a little intimidating on the sectional but really easy as pie and you can't beat the view! I've flown it every time to/from Sun n Fun.

Here is a link to that area from my flight home couple years ago. I was a little south out over the water and don't remember why. You can be right over the beach if you want. Where ever you are the view is spectacular.

Hi Paul, Can I ask you what the 2 round mirrors are for? Formation??

I installed the mirrors just to be able to keep an eye out for any traffic in the harder to see spots when flying into Sun n Fun or Oshkosh. I find most often I use them for looking at the tail feathers during preflight control checks.
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