
Well Known Member
We had good time! Days in Sunny Florida are long and time flows much slower than in New York City. A group of RV owners and airplane enthusiasts gathered under the shade of brand spanking new Rich's camper. In New York we do not even have apartments that big.

Beautiful airline captain can not only fly Airbus flawlessly but also cook nice dinner and successfully manage three boys - husband 40 y.o as of yesterday and two sons. You guys who missed that party you just missed great stuff and talk. Come next year Rich promised to host again.


Mature RVators were talking airparks and alodine, younger builders were looking for wiring ideas and littlies were enjoying that black Florida sand mixed with dirt to ride their truck toys. Or just napped...




And there are three generations of pilots in hosting family. The Chief was enjoying the Sound of Freedom as he calls the low pass of F15. He also later mentioned something like "pilots are lazy" but it was not related to RVators and the military. Probably he was referring to some Russians... kiddo was trying to duplicate the manouver but instead he mastered the Pugachev's Cobra - the more advanced one.





Three Stoodges ( Peter -RV-9, Charlie RV-8 and I) had to leave early because we signed up for Sheet Metal Workshop dinner. Good thing we tasted the wine at Rich's party. By the time we came to workshop dinner all bottles were empty. Anyway we had good time again. Decided to return to RVers' gathering again but our attention was diverted. A comedian was doing his things and we stopped for a minute. Not NY Minute but FL Hour. The guy was a celebrity and he was good. Talking Japanese and AiTeeSees - we comlemented our dinners with good dose of aviation humor.. Kudos to Machados!

Also found right model of skis for Siberian RV-10. He has an amphibian under construction and he may use this retractable skis for both planes. I will email him tomorrow.


Came home late, located our tent, talked more RV sipping adult beverage and then slept like babies.
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good times

Vlad thanks for the write up. What more could a guy want for his 40th B-Day. A Wonderfull wife that let me spend all our money at Avery Tools. Threw me a surprise B-Day Party, Good Friends, Great Family, RV ers, who had a good time, Jet Blue Employees, My Mom and Dad, My Wonderfull Boys. Monster Trucks, and Airplanes. Lots of BBQ. and Cake. Cold Beer, Good Conversation, sharing the love of aviation and family. I declair it dosen't get any better than that......That is what I live for, My Family and my Friends

Rich Denton

PS Next Year I better see you all there.......You are all welcome to come over........