
Well Known Member
Here is video #1 of the RV 12
at Sun 'n Fun 4/8/2008 :) About 130 more still pictures to be added this evening.

(Many more pictures and video links [including videos of my demo ride in N912RV "the yellow canary"] on this page and the next 3 pages of this thread!)

Tried to buy a VAF tee-shirt at Van's booth at about 2:00PM today ... at that time they still hadn't received any to sell. I'll try again Friday at Vans Aircraft BBQ.

I was able to schedule a demo in the -12 for this Friday, near Lakeland in Plant City. I already ordered the kit so I'm really hoping I enjoy the ride. Hey, it's an RV, it gotta be good.:)
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Thanks for the video, I'm looking forward
to the still photos. I'd love to build one
if it is viable as a E-AB. I'm checking that out.

Thanks Jerry. Helps answer some more questions. Looking forward to your stills.

John Bender
Thanks for doing this, Jerry! Must say it felt like I was there (minus the humidity):).

I bet a lot of folks watch this video in the next few days.


Nice video, Jerry. I didn't see anybody in wading boots, so I guess it is drying out there somewhat . Your grandson will be so inpressed that his grandad is building an airplane. :rolleyes::D
Hi-resolution stills of the RV-12

It was easier to upload every picture I took at Sun 'n Fun today, rather than to pick and choose. If you can make it through the first 17 non-RV-12 slides then you will really like the rest. Enjoy!:D

I spoke to both Ken Kreuger and Richard VanGrunsven (Van) briefly. We just said hi ... and Van thanked me for the trust I placed in his company by purchasing the wing kit. Sorry, I didn't get to ask any of the questions posted in the forums ... will try again this Friday.:)
Thank you!!

Jerry... Thank you very much for taking the time to do this for all of us who can't make it to S-n-F. It is much appreciated! :) DJ
Here is video #1 of the RV 12
at Sun 'n Fun 4/8/2008 :) About 130 more still pictures to be added this evening.

Tried to buy a VAF tee-shirt at Van's booth at about 2:00PM today ... at that time they still hadn't received any to sell. I'll try again Friday at Vans Aircraft BBQ.

I was able to schedule a demo in the -12 for this Friday, near Lakeland in Plant City. I already ordered the kit so I'm really hoping I enjoy the ride. Hey, it's an RV, it gotta be good.:)


Looking forward to seeing some in-flight video on Friday. Thanks so much for you efforts on behalf of all of us.



Your photos are absolutely wonderful. I especially appreciated the ones you took while seated in the aircraft. These gave me a much better idea of the space and scale of the interior. The detailed shots of the spar pins and control juncture at the wing root answered some questions I've had on how these work. The under the instrument panel shots were also a first. Absolutely excellent.

I'd still like to see how the flap, aileron controls are mixed and some engine shots. Maybe someone could sweet talk Van's people to open up these areas?

In any event I would like your impression on the ergonomics of the cockpit and entry exit. After your Friday flight your impressions/thoughts of the flight would be most welcome.

Thanks again. I hope to see it first hand Saturday.

Entry and Exit from RV-12

Let me preface my remarks with the fact that I am 5'7" and weigh 250 lbs. and my circumference is 44". (I know, I know, I going to go on a diet ... would like to take more baggage and less blubber on any future cross-country trips).

When you get into the left seat of the RV-12 be sure to "watch out for that first step." It's not that the step is so high but the the only thing to pull on is to put your left hand on the inside of the cockpit while pushing off with your right foot. The distance between the hand pulling and the step is short. (I kept wanting to grab the upper edge of the open canopy for a higher "grab" spot. Definitely a no no, I think) .

I don't believe it would be wise for you slender people to pull on the open canopy either. (By the way, did I mention I really dislike all of you slender people out there, :D but we won't get into that now). I wish the step had a "Z" brace which would lower the step and thus widen the distance between the raised foot and the hand pulling location on the inside cockpit edge. Better leverage on the "pull up phase" would make entry a lot easier.

Unfortunately my egress wasn't to pretty either ...(remember ... 250 lbs!). That "Z" brace lowering the step would help then, too. I only got in and out of the -12 one time ... and practice makes perfect so I'm really not concerned.

I hope to do better on Friday. (I will take pictures and videos of the demo flight ... same Bat time ... same Bat station). :)
Hole in seat

The lightening holes in seat made me wonder how much that would save. I guess every once counts. I never thought of removing material from them. Hmmmmmm
The lightening holes in seat made me wonder how much that would save. I guess every once counts. I never thought of removing material from them. Hmmmmmm
They made me want to bring my seat backs home and do some more drilling.

Every ounce does count and the more you leave in the workshop, the more you can bring with you.
Any word on the new stall speed of the 12. I listen to Vans interview but no numbers. He confirmed the new wing was larger . The prototype stall was a bit to high. I want to operate of a short grass stip.

Also E AB is the only way I will build. Should not be a problem proving 51 % on an idividual basis. The hand out literature says it can be done that way. A good builders log and photos should take care of it.

If I can confirm that E AB will work I will send in my order.

What do you guys think???

No way to be sure E-AB will work right now.

Any word on the new stall speed of the 12. I listen to Vans interview but no numbers. He confirmed the new wing was larger . The prototype stall was a bit to high. I want to operate of a short grass stip.

Also E AB is the only way I will build. Should not be a problem proving 51 % on an idividual basis. The hand out literature says it can be done that way. A good builders log and photos should take care of it.

If I can confirm that E AB will work I will send in my order.

What do you guys think???


While some are assuming that as a standard build kit, there should be no problem proving "major portion", there is no guarantee this will be the case given that the new guidelines for determination of what constitutes 51% have not even been released by the FAA for public comment. This is the reason Van's released as an E-LSA out of the gate. This was discussed in the most recent RVator. Also, the AeroNews article referenced in an earlier post on this thread states the following: "the RV-12 kit is so complete it may be difficult for builders to document fabrication and assembly of the majority portion of the aircraft." This kit requires almost no fabrication by the builder based on what has been written by Van's. Even Van described it as "Erector set-like construction" in Tuesday's AeroNews interview.

Hence, there is no way to confirm that E-AB will work right now. I have seen some people indicate that they may start assembly along the E-LSA route and once things are clarified and the kit is evaluated by the FAA, perhaps switch and make the changes they would like and certify as an E-AB (assuming it meets the new requirements).
Not finalized engine!!!

Jerry and Big Bill - thanks for the info. Interesting that the choice of engine may not yet be 'finalized'. Maybe there is still hope of an American built engine up front? That would really be nice and the falling American dollar wouldn't be as large a factor in the price of building a 12. I don't really care if it is a little louder and/or uses a little more gas.

Maybe there will be an RV-12 Mk-2 with a Lycoming or Contiental powerplant in a year or so??? SWEEEET.:cool::cool::cool:
Maybe there will be an RV-12 Mk-2 with a Lycoming or Contiental powerplant in a year or so??? SWEEEET.:cool::cool::cool:

The only Lycoming or Continental that would fit that bill might be the new O-200 they are using in the new Cessna 162. Still, I think it might be too heavy... With the people sitting so far in front of the wing on the -12, it really demands a light engine.

O-200... Doubtful.

The only Lycoming or Continental that would fit that bill might be the new O-200 they are using in the new Cessna 162. Still, I think it might be too heavy... With the people sitting so far in front of the wing on the -12, it really demands a light engine.

The O-200, while lighter than it used to be... is still pretty heavy compared to the Rotax. I agree... with Bill. I'm not sure you could shorten up the Engine mount enough to bring in your W&B issue. If you did... it would probably have that ugly, short nose, egg looking appearance that the CT has. (no offense TODR). :eek:

The only possibility I would see is the Jabiru. I think the 3300 would be a sweet motor for this thing. :D But don't think for a second that the price would be much less. As has been widely discussed on this forum in relation to many aircraft issues... volume is too small. They will charge whatever the market will bear. Which means they only need to be a couple dollars cheaper than a Rotax. And while the exchange rate was a valid excuse for charging more... I can guarantee that if the value of the dollar shot up today... the price would remain the same... and there would just be more profiteering along the way. Sorry to sound so pessimistic... but I calls 'em as I sees 'em. :rolleyes: DJ
Given that many new LSA utilize the 912uls, I have to believe that US mfrs. are taking notice of all the potential sales they are missing. In the past the rational was about product liability and the cost of certification.

Since the 912uls is not certified, I don't understand why we haven't seen any 'American Ingenuity' and competition yet (or from the Japanese). :confused:
It's interesting that the last US designed, built, and in production aircraft piston engine was started by BJ schram and is what powers the Rotorway helicopter built by Rotorway. All others have never reached "full production" or sold in any numbers. All other engines are variations on a current design and don't employ "modern technology". Very sad.
I'm very optimistic about what Continental is doing for the Skycatcher. They are using modern engineering to reduce engine weight without sacrificing structural or thermal capabilities. Also, I think both Con. and Lyc. are going to be shamed into selling FADEC systems in the coming years by Thielert. Both are working on it, they just need to nail down all the technical issues and mass produce them. We on the flying side need to get comfortable that a computer can make all our decisions faster and more accurately than we ever can. Once you go to FADEC, it only makes sense to have fuel injected engines. Yes it adds some weight, yes it isn't what you're used to, but all those things can be overcome.

More Pictures from Sun 'n Fun

Just a photo journal thru Sun 'n Fun on 4/11/2008. This group of slides contains many aircraft and lots of vendors, including Garmin, Jeppessen, Sportys, Avery Tools, Wicks, Lightspeed and many more. No RV-12 pictures in this group.

When you get to the Thorpedo with a large white star on dark background with red stripes on in (several pictures), that's the paint scheme I'm planning to use on my -12. What do you think?

I tried to buy a VAF "Make a Wish" T-shirt at the Avery Tools booth ... but they were out of 2X large (one more reason to go on a diet :) )
RV-12 Takeoff Video N912RV

Here's a 10min 6sec raw video of the "the yellow canary" (N912RV) taking off from Plant City Airport on 4/11/2008. My pilot was "Gus" a very capable pilot & a nice guy who was PIC during my almost 30 minute demo ride. I had control of the plane a few hundred feet after takeoff for a climb out of 70 knots @ 850 fpm.

This RV-12 was a very nice, smooth and comfortable LSA to fly. I've flown high winged Tecnam P-92 Super Echos, a FantasyAir Allegro 2007 and low winged Tecnam Sierra ... my favorite.

The previous slide shows had a picture of the Tecnam Sierra which has a sticker price of $141,000 ... very well decked out, and worth every penny. I felt that the RV-12 performed just as well as the $141,000 bird. (IF Van's Aircraft was on the NYSE ...I'd say BUY) :)

I performed shallow turns ...a very responsive plane ... easy to keep straight and level ... smooth ... only bumps were my being unable to hold the camera steady (Kodak P880 picture and video camera, no anti-"shake" mechanism built in). Not sure the the proper terminology but the plane just wanted to fly straight and level.

Gus also performed some slow speed, full flaps stall on this video. One of these stalls broke down and to the left (may not be on the vid) ... but was easily fixed by lowering the nose and inputting some right rudder.

My turns felt good ... didn't feel like I was slipping or skidding at all and my feet never activated the rudders. Having never flown a plane with a glass cockpit, I had no idea where the turn coordinator (ball) was anyway!

Enjoy this video ... several more videos to come very soon.

I was PIC during the shallow turns and Gus handled the steep turns (guessing 35 -40 degrees. Gus seemed to have no problem maintaining altitude during the steep turns ... the G's felt great, smooth all the way ...
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Steep Turns in an RV-12 (N912RV)

Raw video of a few steep turns in "the yellow canary" coming up. Gus performed all of those turns effortlessly. As the passenger, it was a smooth ride all the way. I felt like I was in a Tecnam Sierra ... that is a compliment, I love that Tecnam.

The seats were totally comfortable, well padded and easy on the eyes as previous pictures showed.

Like all RV's, the inside of the cabin could use some more acutriments ...padded leather (plastic) on the interior of the cabin walls, a couple of elastic pockets under the side air vents and some carpet on the floor.

I also would like to see a push to talk button on the passengers stick.

Enjoy the turns ... :)
Landing the RV-12 (N912RV)

Gus simply slowed the aircraft, turned base then final and executed a couple of slips to get to a perfect landing. He kept the nose up for several seconds as if he were landing on a bumpy grass runway in this tricycle (sorry all you tail wheel efficianodos ... it still all tricycle).

Our landing speed was 55 knots and we had a small crosswind.

Happy landings ;) ...

Taxi back to terminal with canopy propped open.

It's getting much easier to get in and out of the RV-12. That Z brace I spoke of in an earlier post isn't necessary. Practice makes perfect, I guess. Note how easy is is for the skinny guy!

More video on the interior of the RV-12 (N412RV)

... thats all folks!

The only pictures and videos I'm going to take now are of my grandson. He's is having his one year old birthday party on Saturday!
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You have done a wonderful job of documenting Sun 'n Fun and the RV-12. Thanks for sharing! Your efforts are truly appreciated. :)
He kept the nose up for several seconds as if he were landing on a bumpy grass runway in this tricycle (sorry all you tail wheel efficianodos ... it still all tricycle).

Actually Jerry, that is the proper technique to land any tricycle gear (light) airplane on any runway. It's unfortunate that it seems that for many years new pilots have been trained as though they were transitioning into an airliner as soon as they receive there PPL.

Nice reporting on the RV-12. Glad you enjoyed flying it.
Adding my kudos

Jerry, add my name to the list of appreciative lookers. Now if only I had the discretionary funds to place an order..
Well Done JERRY!!!

Now all we need someone that is already building a RV12 with a weblog to see the construction trails and jubilations.

RV-12 Report

Great reporting on the Twelve. Are you a reporter by trade? Your reports were better than some I have read in magazines.
I also flew the Twelve on Tuesday, really enjoyed the flight, did alot of slow flight and stalls. Someone ask about stall speed, it stalled almost at the bottom of the white arch which is 40kts. That was with one notch of flaperons. I was impressed enought to order a Wing Kit.
RV-9, N92GC
Cub, NC88583
RV-12, Wing Kit ordered
Believe it or not ...

After my Plant City demo ride in "the yellow canary", my wife and I went to SnF (4/11/08); her first visit and my second time there in a week and I just wanted to get back to the RV-12 and snap some more pictures.

Where ever we go, boat shows, home shows, concerts, art festivals, etc. she always slows me down by stopping to look at stuff I have absolutely no interest in. Then she slows me down even more to enter all those drawings I know she has no chance of winning. Just one look at the entry jar stuffed to the brim with thousands of entry forms is my first clue.

Well, believe it or not, she won. She got a call Wednesday from a "representative of Garmin" (actually, one of the vendors at the show ... she can't remember which vendor ... it all happened so fast!) ... and they told her :D she won a "Garmin 496". :D What are the odds? Guess who she is giving it to?

They asked her if she would send them a picture of her holding the Garmin 496 box while standing next to her :) plane. I'll see if it's OK to send a picture of her sitting on "her" wing crate when it arrives. They want a picture for their company newsletter and perhaps advertisements.

Wives ... you gotta love 'em! :D :D :D
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Video enhancement ...

For the first time this morning, I noticed a video enhancement button (high resolution feature) on The newer videos I posted (anyone has posted) on youtube have a small icon of a TV screen under the selected viewed screen and to the right of the # of hits displayed. It changes the screen (video) you are currently watching to a much higher resolution. (It may only work on hi speed internet hookups, I'm not sure ... it also improves the full screen version, it's worth giving it a try.)
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too fat to ...

Reason #126 to lose weight ... Van's Aircraft is offering a royal blue, pocketed T-shirt (medium, large & extra large) of the RV-12 and I need a 2XL. :( :( :mad:

Almost all aviation T shirts only go up to XL ... but when I buy motorcycle T shirts at different motorcycling events the T shirts go to XL, XXL, XXXL, XXXXL and even XXXXXL. That says something about motorcyclists in general. It doesn't say anything good ... just says something. :D