Ian Coates

Active Member
Hi all,

I will be coming over the pond to visit sun n fun for the first time and would like to see all things "RV related", I would appreciate some pointers as I will only be spending Tuesday and Wednesday there so would like to use the time usefully.

All input gratefully received.
Well there are hundreds of homebuilts that fly in every day or park for the week to look at around the grounds. There are several large buildings with vendors selling and answering questions. There are seminars going on that you could attend. It really depends on what you are looking to get out of the show.

It is kind of like a smaller version of Oshkosh Airventure.
If you get in touch offline, I will let you have my moby number. We go out 2-9 April and will be at the show Wed.

Can point you in the right direction and maybe grab a libation.

Hi Ian,

I've been attending SnF since 1999 and have a show routine down to a science at this point. If you send me a PM, we can get in touch offline; I'd be glad to meet up (I'm planning to attend on either Tuesday or Wednesday - the schedule to be decided at the last minute and largely weather-dependent).
If weather cooperates, I?ll also be flying in Tue morning and staying until Sat morning. Also happy to meet up. I?ll be camping in Homebuilt Camping.
Hi Ian and congrats on your plans to make it to SnF this year. I've attended SnF 5 times IIRC. Here's some information based on my experiences.

1. Study the satellite view of the site so you'll gain some situational awareness. I consider myself a fairly smart guy and it's amazing that I can fly an airplane half way across the country and find a strip of pavement not much bigger that a side walk but STILL have trouble knowing where I am and how to get where I want to be at both SnF and OSH. They do have maps of course but in my opinion, their maps are horrible. If you don't know where you are, you can waste time just wondering about.

2. On your first day, allow your self at a very minimum of an hour to get through each of the hanger buildings labeled ABCD. There's so much interesting things to see. Then an additional hour or more to visit the vender sites located all around in tents. It's lots of walking... so comfortable shoes are a must. You'll want to eat too so count some time for that. Take one of the maps and books with you and at the end of the day, and now equipped with a bit of working knowledge of the layout/displays/events, you'll be able to fine tune your plan for your second day zeroing in on your specific interest.

3. Transportation is pretty easy. The tram routes are color coded to let you know the general areas they go to and from. If you're interested in the RV's, take one out to the homebuilt areas. RV's are always in abundance with many friendly pilots and builders happy to answers questions.

4. The airshow is good too. Walking around, seeing all of the things associated with this event.... it's all part of our collective aviation experience. I've also discovered this and perhaps the most important part. The venders/airshow/displays are all wonderful but the best part is when you get back to the camping areas, whether its homebuilt or general aviation, the fun, fellowship and camaraderie of fellow aviators is just as much a part of the event as everything on the other side of the fence.

I too am looking forward to another exciting few days at SnF Weather permitting, I'll be in homebuilt camping.

Enjoy the show!!
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Wed/ Thursday for me

Im planning on being there wed/ Thursday and would love to hear of a good plan as it is my 1st time too.
Im planning on being there wed/ Thursday and would love to hear of a good plan as it is my 1st time too.

Two days is fine. You walk the HB parking area, walk the HB camping area, and tour through the vendor areas. That takes a half day if you keep it moving. If you're interested in antiques, walk that area too. In the afternoon, watch the airshow. The next day, attend whatever workshops and seminars you're interested in and follow up with the vendors if necessary.

We camp, so spend a fair amount of time relaxing - reading, drinking a beer, whatever.
After all these years, I typically do SnF in one medium-length day.

We get there early (right when the parking lot opens), check out the warbirds before the crowds are in the way of photography, then have coffee, and hit the gift shop for that year?s shirt. Then off to Van?s?

After that, the four exhibitor hangars, outdoor vendors, and whatever else is of personal interest at the moment. Warbirds, aerobatics, vintage/classics, etc. We'll usually watch some of the late-morning flybys, eat lunch, and view whichever afternoon airshow acts we haven't already seen. Airshow time is a great opportunity to return to the exhibitor hangars for extended conversations and/or purchases while the crowds are otherwise engaged.

When I first started going and had workshops & forums to attend, it was two or three *full* days. I think that would kill me now. :)
Hi all,

I will be coming over the pond to visit sun n fun for the first time and would like to see all things "RV related", I would appreciate some pointers as I will only be spending Tuesday and Wednesday there so would like to use the time usefully.

All input gratefully received.
Welcome to the US! You will enjoy the show!
I'll be in hangar "D" next to Schweiss Hangar door if you want to stop by.
If you have not been yet, next is Oshkosh.
Thanks for the input everyone, I will keep looking at private messaging right up til the visit and will call by the home built parking and camping.

Really appreciate it and hope to say hello to a few of you at the show.
Take a tram tour first

One way to acclimate to the overall layout is to spend an hour or so riding all the trams. Get a tram map and plan a series of rides to minimize time and maximize area covered. This gives you a general feel for the event without accumulating mileage on the soft tissues.

Enjoy your visit!
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Ian, just curious... are you airlining across from the UK, or are you gonna attempt the North Atlantic in your RV?
Thanks Sam, that's a good idea.

Jeff, I'm air lining over but would love to do a crossing in the Rv, in fact a circumnavigation in an aircraft that I built in the garage is niggling away at the back of my mind but it's a huge and costly undertaking.
If you?re walking through homebuilts and see some guys in a golf cart wearing baby blue hats and looking very judgemental...those boys will talk airplanes with anybody...even if you?re not listening, talking or at all interested. They?re what we in the states call airplane aficionados (addicts). Never look them directly in the eye or they are liable to start a conversation and talk you into hanging a judge me sign on whatever you?re standing next to...they don?t care if it?s yours or not.

Enjoy your first Sun n Fun! It?s my favorite week of the year!