
Well Known Member
I am planning on going down to Lakeland for Sun-n-fun on Thursday the 23rd. My plan was to stay just camp one night. From reading the Sun-n-fun website, it appears that I will have to pay $100.00 for one night of camping? Looks like if I went and stayed Friday night instead that it would cost only $25.00.

Is this right? Don't they know there's a recession going on? ;)

From the website:

Pre Fly-In Camp 3/10 - 4/12 $20 per night *
Registration Open 4/13 - 4/19 $25 per night + $100 *
Convention Rate 4/20 - 4/23 $100 weekly rate *
April 24 or later $25 per night *

Camping is costly

Ouch, looks like you're right!:eek: I'll be there Wednesday and Thursday nights, so we can bitch about it together. I'm hoping they will let us stay for daily rates, but I'm not counting on it.
Take a look at Information and Requirements

Jamie, if you look at the Information and Requirements page under camping, it looks like it only costs $25 per night. I think the $100 weekly fee is for camping in the general campground, not aircraft camping.

Looks like the answer is on the FAQ page, where it says overnight camping (ONC) is $25, whether it is aircraft camping or not. I'm assuming the homebuilt camping (HBC) is still the $100 flat fee. Sorry for the extra posts.
You pay for the remainder of the week when you arrive, and get refunded the unused portion when you depart.

A little drift here...

On page 20 of the NOTAM they list the signs to bring so they know where to park you.

Unlike OSH, there doesn't seem to be any HBC, is that correct?

They list:
GAC - General Aviation Camping
GAP - General Aviation Parking
HB - Home Built Parking
HC - Handicapped Parking
SP - Seaplane Parking
VAC - Vintage Aircraft Camping/Parking
ONC - Overnight Camping

Which one do we use?

to all of the fellow RV ers flying in... I will be staying there all week. If I can help with anything just call....813-785-6919

Rich Denton

Moving in to LAL 2moro

hope to see you all at the camp Saturday Night 25th
So after doing some more reading, it appears that they intend for folks that are staying for longer periods of time to stay in HBC or GAC and people coming for just one or two nights (regardless of aircraft type) to stay in ONC. It appears that facilities (showers, etc) for ONC is "some distance away", whatever that means.

I've tent camped at Sun-n-fun before, but never before with an airplane so this is a new thing for me.

If it were like years past with the closed flight line, I would probably just park in HBP and then backpack my stuff over to the camp site where I've stayed before, but with the open flight line I'm just not interested in leaving my airplane unattended for that long.
I plan on doing exactly the same thing. Fly down Thursday morning and back before the airshow on Friday.

I'm not sure if I should stay in ONC or HBC.
Don't go for the Overnite Camping.

Its a trick.

Its way the heck out there.

Beside the VOR tower.

The facilities are about a 'commuter flight' away.
Don't go for the Overnite Camping.

Its a trick.

Its way the heck out there.

Beside the VOR tower.

The facilities are about a 'commuter flight' away.

Thanks, Cary. That's what I was thinking. Looks like I'll be paying some mega bucks for a piece of dirt. :)

Hey...I guess it's all about the fun. Hopefully they'll be some decent camaraderie in HBP to make it worthwhile.
I thought the ONC aircraft camping was primarily for transient aircraft that didn't fit the catagorized EAA profile for aircraft types. And yes it was on the other side of the field. I do remember seeing a few RVs over there though.

I would attempt to go for the homebuilt camping area so as to have access to the showers, etc. and then apply for a refund of the unused portion of your fee when it is time for you to leave.

BTW... don't forget to go for the cornroast in the regular campground at the end of the day!