
Well Known Member
Do you folks know if there are sizeable discounts for Vans and some of the tool kit sellers available during the Sun-n-fun or Oshkosh shows?

The wife and I have made plans to attend both this year, and I am close to buying my tail kit and tools. If I can score a good discount at either of these, that would awesome.

If you remember, how much were the discounts from previous years?
Do you folks know if there are sizeable discounts for Vans and some of the tool kit sellers available during the Sun-n-fun or Oshkosh shows?

The wife and I have made plans to attend both this year, and I am close to buying my tail kit and tools. If I can score a good discount at either of these, that would awesome.

If you remember, how much were the discounts from previous years?

Don't hold your breath.......

Van's & Lycoming usually have some sort of deal on engines, but that's about it.

Tool vendors don't usually have deals either, other than the convienence of picking up tools in person. I also seem to recall that Bob Avery was going to stop attending SnF, but I don't know that to be factual.

I have found the best place to buy tools is right here on this website. Many of the tools I have purchased were still in the factory packaging. For 10 to 40% off.

I think that Avery may run a special concurrent with Sun 'N Fun of about 10% and maybe 1 cent shipping (?) even though they aren't there any more. And seems like they do have some things discounted at Oshkosh every year.

Aircraft Spruce typically has a 15% discount and free shipping at each event (although they are mostly parts and hardware, but do have some tools too).

I have always found it helpful to go to the big fly-ins for educational reasons (see all the new avionics, etc. and lots of RVs) as well as the social aspects! :D

Don't quote me on these discounts - just best I can remember. Hopefully some others will chime in too (and correct me if I'm wrong).
Isham tools ran a discount on their tool kits during Oshkosh, but I cant recall the price. They are selling the same kit for $2590, and its one that I have been highly considering buying.

I have found the best place to buy tools is right here on this website. Many of the tools I have purchased were still in the factory packaging. For 10 to 40% off.

+1 on this. I have seen full sets sell for great deals. The only problem is you have to eat and sleep with the VAF Classified forum to catch them.

Another option is to post a WTB thread. I got a great deal from members and one vendor on clecos. Still short despite having 1,000 3/32". :eek:

Another is to hang out with local builders. Sometimes they part with tools when they finish a project. I got mine that way. The best part is the sharing of information and tricks to use them.

I attended Osh and highly recommend it. Classes were awesome. We met and got autographs from Patti Wagstaff and Sean Tucker and several others. Both Patti and Sean were very nice people. Sean gave my wife his last cap. He was a hoot.
The flea market open area is a great place to score stuff but not full tool kits. The hangars are full of every vendor imaginable. There is so much to learn and pretty much every vendor is there to ask questions.
Nothing comes close to the airshows. Especially the night show. And where else can you sit front stage to see a band like Chicago!