
Well Known Member
Now that I own an RV-4 and am one of the cool kids, I'm kicking around hitting both this year. Would be my first time, so I'd like to go with others if possible. I've had a bit of interest, but it's with friends that cruise in the 110 range. Way too slow now. Lol

Anyone from the SE Texas area headed to either next year? I'd like to maybe tag along.
I'm planning my vacation time for this coming summer. Last year I spent 3 nights camping at AirVenture and kept myself very busy enjoying the show. This is easy for an RV builder. The problem I have is for this next year (2017) my wife will be joining me and she says she can only take 1 day of the show! Can't say I checked this out properly last year, I was busy looking at airplanes and well you know all the neat stuff, but was wondering what there is for the better half to do at AirVenture? I would appreciate some suggestions from the veterans, so I can visit for more than 1 day!
I'm planning my vacation time for this coming summer. Last year I spent 3 nights camping at AirVenture and kept myself very busy enjoying the show. This is easy for an RV builder. The problem I have is for this next year (2017) my wife will be joining me and she says she can only take 1 day of the show! Can't say I checked this out properly last year, I was busy looking at airplanes and well you know all the neat stuff, but was wondering what there is for the better half to do at AirVenture? I would appreciate some suggestions from the veterans, so I can visit for more than 1 day!

New wife??:D

Just kidding....:p
I'm planning my vacation time for this coming summer. Last year I spent 3 nights camping at AirVenture and kept myself very busy enjoying the show. This is easy for an RV builder. The problem I have is for this next year (2017) my wife will be joining me and she says she can only take 1 day of the show! Can't say I checked this out properly last year, I was busy looking at airplanes and well you know all the neat stuff, but was wondering what there is for the better half to do at AirVenture? I would appreciate some suggestions from the veterans, so I can visit for more than 1 day!

There is a craft tent in the homebuilder's area, depending on your wife's taste that could keep her busy for 5 minutes or 5 days. She can purchase the materials needed at the tent.

There is an outlet mall across the highway from the airport.

There are a variety of female pilot activities through out the week, if she is so inclined.

There is a quilt show on Wednesday or Thursday someplace nearby. I know a group of women that attend that every year.

The museum is nice for at least an afternoon. It's air conditioned. Usually there are some good presentation and movies shown there during the week.

Go out to the seaplane base, sit under a shade tree, and watch the planes come and go. You can also take a pontoon boat ride around the lagoon. I think they ask for a $1 donation.

If you're camping, seek out the other spouses nearby. People at OSH make friends quickly and the spouses tend to do ad hoc activities together.

Spend an afternoon volunteering together. Although you may want to pick an activity that isn't too stressful for the first time.
hard question

It really depends on the person. My wife is delighted if she has a good book and a place to sit, so I can take her anywhere, or leave her at home and she's equally happy.

What kind of things does your wife like? If she likes camping, great! If not, book a hotel or house quickly. If she likes water sports, there is a huge lake there, which is really nice. Rent a boat or jetski for her.

If she likes volunteer work, then there are lots of opportunities at the event.

While it's Disneyland for us, and the EAA invests a lot effort to provide things for the uninitiated, it really depends on the visitor more than anything.

Get her to spend some time on the EAA website to see if anything interests her.

I believe there is a bus that goes back and forth to the local YMCA too. It has a pool, which is a great way to beat the heat, plus the normal workout stuff too, if she's into that.

There are bands that play at the SOS tent every night, with an area to dance/grope. However, unless your wife has a wild side, she may think it's a bit too raucous.

Also, I'd recommend getting some really comfortable chairs for the movie nights. If she enjoys the movies, which are outside, having comfortable chairs and a good means to stay warm can make for a nice, cozy evening with the spousal unit.
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No not a new wife! :rolleyes: I'm very happy my wife will fly with me and camp with me, but her interest in airplanes only goes so far. Thanks everyone for some really good ideas. I think some of those will work. This year I'll bring bicycles because these seem like a real necessity given all of the walking I did last year. Plus, while convenient I did not have the patience for riding the buses too often.
If you're flying in, those bikes may not be of much good.

Check the rules, but I know they aren't allowed in HBC or anywhere inside the event. That's why they have those big pens.

The North Forty may allow bikes (others will say for sure.
If you're flying in, those bikes may not be of much good.

Check the rules, but I know they aren't allowed in HBC or anywhere inside the event. That's why they have those big pens.

The North Forty may allow bikes (others will say for sure.

I believe you can fly in with bikes, but must walk them from your plane to the areas where bike riding is allowed. I believe the North 40 allows bikes in most areas, but even if you park the plane in HBC and camp in Scholler, a bike is a good idea, IMO.