Great Pictures

You took some really great photographs. I love the balloon launch ... those pictures will make a wonderful desktop for my computer.

Waking up in the morning with dew on the RVs, camping next to your plane, a balloon launch in the background & surrounded by fellow RVers :) ... That's what life is all about! I envy you guys who fly in.
Great pictures!

For those that didn't make it, homebuilt camping at Sun-N-Fun is special!

A great time was had by all
SNF '08

Aren't Mary and Smitty great?
This is my 3rd SNF working in homebuilt parking (over by taxiway Foxtrot)
Sure we saw you but didn't get to chat
Jerry Fischer:)

They are great and really make the event enjoyable. Look forward to seeing you next year!
Great Photographs

Thanks for sharing those great photographs.

Yes, SNF HBC is a great happening.

Now please join me in helping to stomp out down aileron!!
Sun-n-fun pics

Robert, Very well done! Maybe next year a closer shot of Mary Jane........well maybe not..See you in May! Pat