
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, I know the folks up north will hate to hear this, but spring (in the form of warmer weather and muggier air) is trying to make it's appearance on the Gulf Coast, and today I learned a valuable lesson about the bubble canopy in the -8...spend too much time above the clouds with a T-shirt on, and you're gonna get a heck of a red neck! :eek:

I spent three hours up top today, and I look like I was out on the water on a jet ski....(or at an airshow!).

Never had to deal with that in an airplane before....I guess I never had so much "glass" that the sun could get behind me like that. I guess I'm going to have to add sunscreen to the pre-flight. :rolleyes:

Well we had our equivalent without the melanoma!

I did 2 hours today and disn't wear my polar fleece vest!!!

Same drill, different latitudes!


Ditto for Hawaii

What's the formula??
Energy=duration*atitude^pi divided by latitude....Just kidding.

Another interesting feature is I don't have a heater in my 6A and above 7.5 it can get cold---even in Hawaii!

Pnuemonia and sunburn at the same time :D
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Sunscreen and lots of it.

I have my Garmin 196 setup to give me a tank alarm every half hour. Whenever it tells me to switch tanks I get out the sunscreen. That along with a hat has worked very well on 10 hour days.
Koger sunshade for the RV-8

Howdy Paul

(one option if you didn't already know) Ralph Koger developed a sunshade for the RV-8 awhile back that can be used by either pilot, passenger, or both at the same time. He sent Danny one to play with and the pictures that I took are about halfway down on this page.

One of the pics...


You can see a pic of my Koger shade in the stowed position in this image.

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Ironflight said:
I learned a valuable lesson about the bubble canopy in the -8...spend too much time above the clouds with a T-shirt on, and you're gonna get a heck of a red neck!

Paul - FWIW I've never thought of you as a "red neck" . . . I'd prefer the sunscreen to the shade . . . to me the shade takes away from the aesthetics of the bubble canopy?!

Bob in SE Iowa
RV-8 Still trying to finish!
bchriste2608 said:
Paul - FWIW I've never thought of you as a "red neck" . . . Bob in SE Iowa
RV-8 Still trying to finish!

Well, I do drive a pick-up truck, and I've lived in Texas now for pretty-near 25 years...but I try to make it home to northern Minnestoa at least once aor twice a year to make sure I don't forget my Iron-Range roots...Kidn of a "blue-neck" check, consideriin the temperatures up betcha! :p

I've seen Danny's sunshade before, and kinda hate cluttering up that beautiful canopy as well, but we'll see how I feel about it after a summer season here in Tejas....


If you have ever noticed pictures of soaring pilots wearing the goofy looking "Giligan" type sailor hats, you now know why. We regularly sit under an even larger canopy (head to knees in the sun) for up to eight hours at a stretch in desert conditions. Light colored long sleeve shirts with high collars help too.

Last, don't underestimate how dehydrated you can get baking under the sun for even a short time, especially at high altitudes. Getting dehydrated can produce judgement problems very similar to hypoxia.
