
Well Known Member
What kind of oil temps are you guys seeing during climb out. Im keeping my climb out speed between 80 - 85 kts and seeing the temps getting into the amber.

Houston, Texas 85 - 90 Deg F

Gary E
While it doesn't typically get hot in Western Washington (thankfully) we do run into some times that are above average. Last summer during a period of winds from the east off the desert (what would be called Santa Anas in SoCal) there was a layer of air from 2000' to 7000' that was a consistent 82 degrees all along the coast.

I found that if I pulled the power back a little and climbed at 100 knots the temperature statyed about the top of the green.
What kind of oil temps are you guys seeing during climb out. Im keeping my climb out speed between 80 - 85 kts and seeing the temps getting into the amber.

Houston, Texas 85 - 90 Deg F

Gary E


I see the same oil temperatures during an extended climb. Many others are seeing similar Do a forum search on "oil temperature". Van's engineering has told me that the oil temperature can go to 248 degF with no problems. The Rotax folks that I spoke to at OSH last year disagree, and, have told me to try to keep the oil temperatures less than 230 degF (beginning of the yellow band), with short periods above 230 degF being acceptable. As such, during the summer, I will level off and allow the oil to cool.

Conservative???? Maybe.

The Rotax folks that I spoke to at OSH last year disagree, and, have told me to try to keep the oil temperatures less than 230 degF (beginning of the yellow band), with short periods above 230 degF being acceptable. As such, during the summer, I will level off and allow the oil to cool.
It is always a challenging situation when a companies documentation says one thing (The Rotax documentation says 248 limit for normal operation if you are using semi-synthetic oil) and tech. people say another (We all know that Vans doesn't ever do that :D)

In my opinion, 5-6 minutes with the oil temp slightly in the yellow sounds like a short period, and totally acceptable if the temp goes back into the green for the rest of a one hour flight.
Thanks for the input guys. For some reason I don't remember oil temp being an issue last summer. Guess Im getting old .:confused:

Im not going to worry about any more.

Thanks again guys.

Gary E
Rotax, The evolution continues!

Every Summer this topic comes up. The Rotax dealers at OSH every year each give a form on the Rotax engines. Lockwood and Leaf try to give as much info as possible. I have been going to these each year since Vans RV12 was released in 2008. In the beginning there were a lot of grey areas. You have to ask a specific question to get a direct answer. Each year these forms has gotten better with less grey areas. Last year was the best yet. I dont think the Rotax 912 really became mainstream in the USA until the LSA came along then Vans RV12 really open up the flood gates. More and more information has come out about the engine. The only problem is this info has been spread out over many different outlets, such as service instructions and service bulletins as well as the Engine Manual and the Maintenance Manual. Furthermore I think some info has been lost in the translation from German to English. It would be nice if Rotax would put all this info into One document. On their Web site they have been putting up more and more Videos for do-it-your-selfers like us. The RV12 form has added a lot of info to. Here is an excerpt from Service Instruction SI-912-016-R4 dated August 2011, which talks about allot of good stuff. The web site address to view it is Here is the part about oil temperature, its on the last page.
Good info.

Definitly translated from German....Better than Chinese translations though..I had an experience with a Russian Translation recently... thats really strange.

Another data point

The following is pretty typical of what I see in the summer months. Climbing out of Hartford, CT yesterday. Sea level airport. OAT 77F. Loaded just about max gross. Full throttle. Climbing at 80kts oil temp climbed just barely into the yellow. Lowered nose to climb at 100 and oil went back in the green almost immediately.