Well Known Member
With sadness I am asking for help on selling an RV-12. Not sure where is the best place to establish the value and advertise for sale.

A fellow builder, pilot, and friend, has been taken from us and now his wife has asked me to help with the sale of his RV-12 .

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Gary Krause
[email protected]
First, thanks for stepping up to help. This is not an easy task on several levels. I would hope if this were to happen to me, there would be someone to step in.

Now, give us some details. Is this flying? E-AB or E-LSA? Painted? What options? Quality? Skyview? There are quite a few things that enter into the value. Lots of variables, and knowing them can help.

Terribly sorry to hear about your friend. I am certain that this forum is THE best means of helping his family in selling the aircraft. Again, my condolences.

Over the past few years I have handled the sale of two projects and some odd parts which came to our EAA chapter for sale. I watched the internet (mostly Barnstormers, Trade-a-Plane and E-bay) for a couple of weeks to get an idea of asking prices and listed the items on Barnstormers.

My experience was that they all sold quickly, but I was not trying for top dollar. That would take longer.

Today, I would include the VAF classifieds in the process.
I sold a couple this year, and would offer some guidance. Do your research NOW and get all the data first. More is always better.
I have seen a number of ads which only say like "For Sale, RV 12" Good grief, many will flip on by with no more information than that. Not only does it attract valid buyers by giving all the details (and photos), it saves you hours and hours answering questions for stuff you could have included in the ad.
Sorry to hear these sad circumstances. Remember Oshkosh is 10 days away. If you sure going you may want to post some flyers on the bulletin boards.

There have been a number of -12's built and sold in my airpark. The builders didn't get much more than they had in them. I'm talking in the 70's.

I am wondering if the price of the factory built planes will help push:( up ELSA prices? Probably not but one can always hope because the day will come.