
Well Known Member
RV-8, Right Elevator.
I am fitting everything prior to final assembly of the component.
I still need a little more sanding on the E-612 fiberglass tip as it sits proud of the weight.
Just wondering what others have done in this area to finish off the forward edge?
Maybe a flox mixture to smooth over the lead counter weight?

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Sorry... used the wrong term...

A little epoxy and micro will do the job. Flox will not sand smooth.
Micro balloons is what I meant since this area is non-structural and is just for filling and smoothing the surface. thanks!
One thing to consider is if you want the joint to disappear or not. My experience on boats is to make it go away, it needs glass over the joint or it will crack. You could fill up to it and tool or sand a joint. Try it and see how it looks. Worst case, sand it off and do it again.

Maybe make a mock up and try it first?
Micro to fill the voids, sand then a couple of bids of glass. Some micro over the glass to fair it in.

Without the glass the micro will eventually crack and you will see it in the paint.

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Micro has worked fine for me for 500 hours. No cracks yet. Did use red locktite on those bolts. Don’t want those things backing out, ever....

Also, might want to consider some strategically placed Nutplates near the forward edge of the counterweight. Really convenient for adding weight for balancing after paint.
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Also, might want to consider some strategically placed Nutplates near the forward edge of the counterweight. Really convenient for adding weight for balancing after paint.

Ooh, that's a nice tip, adding that one to the collection of "things to do that are not in the plans".

Balance nut plates

Can you elaborate?

Take a look at the rib. You'll see a tooling hole pretty close to the counterweight. Install a nutplate there. A 3/16" works for the hole size. A bolt can be installed with lead or tungsten washers for final balance.
Oh, Wow!

Awesome! I understand now!
Great tip!
Thank you!
Take a look at the rib. You'll see a tooling hole pretty close to the counterweight. Install a nutplate there. A 3/16" works for the hole size. A bolt can be installed with lead or tungsten washers for final balance.
Thanks Dan!

I was concerned about wrapping the glass around the outside of E-612 fiberglass part. I didn't know if it would smooth out with sanding.


How far would you glass over the E-713 counter balance skin? Would you cover the two screw heads, or just over the joint?


With the lead present in this assembly, you can skip the core plate step. Just fill all around the edge, between the glass and the lead, cure, sand to shape, and add a few plies of glass fabric. It's pretty much what Carl said.