
Active Member
Hi all-

I have a panel mounted GTX 327 in my -9 and want to get a plan for ADSB-Out. Obviously the GDL 82 from Garmin would do the trick, but it ain't cheap. Did anyone upgrade an old GTX 327 to ADSB capability want to suggest their preferred method?

Thank you!
uAvionix Sky Beacon or Tail Beacon.

GRT Safe Fly with Echo

Reasonable as defined by idea about performance comparisons.

We are in the process of installing the Sky Beacon on our 50 year old C 172------would have been a snap if the wiring was original. Should be very easy in your 9.

Our new bird will get a remote controlled Trig all in one transponder/ADSB unit-------panel space is the driving factor, otherwise we were planning on a GTX 327 with the GRT Safe Fly/Echo setup.
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One of the things that led me to the GDL-82 was the ease of installation utilizing existing antenna and cables. That is providing your existing set up has a correct antenna and cable.

The Skybeacons should be very easy to install if their mounting configuration works for you. Don’t see them working with most RV wingtips and existing nav lights. The Taibeacon might be a different story. Might work depending existing tail light and strobes.

The ones that use existing gear and pick up your transponder signal by transponder antenna output have to install another antenna for ADS-B out. Also have read about double imaging and radio interference, not sure of details.

Personally did the GDL-82 with no regrets so far. If you go to a Garmin Seminar they’re usually giving out a Garmin Bucks coupon that gets you a discount on Garmin purchases.
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Tail Beacon

I installed the tail beacon on my 6A. Received a near perfect report. Installation would have been a breeze if the builder of my plane had left some extra wire in the rudder, (could only pull the light out about an inch) and if he didn't fill around the fixture with body filler before paint. Programming was too easy. I felt as if something else needed to be done. Oh yeah, works fine with my 327.

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-8A with AFS 4500 and GTX-327. Installed EchoUAT SkyFYX with antenna on shelf under the cowl, UAT antenna on the aft right wing root and the box under the floor forward of rear stick. Hardwired box to AFS 4500 but did not hardwire to 327, instead relied on wifi as described by Univox.

After troubleshooting a bad coax (Echo worked as advertised) system works perfectly with sorter range displays on the 4500 and the big picture on an ipad/Foreflight.

Purchased a Sporty's glare shield mount for the ipad - felt I was spending way too much time headfs down on the previous kneeboard ipad mount just playing with the new toy.
Assumes you had Grimes Nav lights already on wingtips near this location. Light had local ground, not run to firewall forest of tabs. No noise/RFI. PAPR checked good. Forward right post/ball transponder antenna location. Tailbeacon at lower rudder fiberglass fairing Position light might have been caught by taildragger towbar foibles.

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Installed the uAvionx tail beacon on my 7A. Easy to install and have a clean report after I corrected my configuration error
I have the GTX 327. I'm also equipped with the uavionix echo and skyfyx. Works good, (after beta firmware upgrade), with a clean report.
Can anyone tell me if the uAvionix devices will talk to the Garmin Aera handhelds to provide traffic and weather?

Also, does the TailBeacon offer any connectivity to Foreflight/FltPlanGo/etc. or is it strictly an out-only device?
Aren't you in Canada? Do you need 1090mhz ADSB-Out? Skybeacon and Tailbeacon and Garmin GDL-82 are 978mhz OUT devices.

"1090ES" is the Out requirement pending for Canada

"Canada is moving closer to an ADS-B Out mandate, and when that comes, it will be for 1090-MHz Extended Squitter technology. Nav Canada is the lead air navigation service provider in the Aireon joint venture (see “ADS-B: Taking the High View,” January 2018 AOPA Pilot)."

Skybeacon and Tailbeacon are 978mhz UAT OUT devices only.

Suggest a 1090mhz and 978mhz combo/dual IN device which will talk to your 660 and any other device and/or EFIS.

Configuring the Uavionix App, you will tell the "system" IF you have IN and if 978 or 1090 or both.
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@Moosepileit, Yes, I am in Canada, but where I am is in Victoria, BC, south of the 49th. Most of my local flying I can pick up a UAT tower from Washington state and I get great coverage (currently using a Stratux with FltPlanGo running on a tablet).

The requirement in Canada is nowhere near to being finished. It's come to light that the Aireon system is completely receive-only (ie. it's all for NavCanada's benefit, there's no plan to rebroadcast anything that someone flying an airplane could use to view traffic on a local screen). If we were *all* 1090ES equipped, we could see each other because we'd receive transmissions directly from the other aircraft nearby... But mandating that isn't going to happen. Think what the response would have been in the US if that were mandated.

There is a strong push now for the addition of ground stations broadcasting like the UAT towers in the US, complete with WX. Proof-of-concept prototypes are under construction by the group of developers behind the Stratux.
tailBeacon or GDL82 for Australia

I have the GTX327. I want to provide ADSB out capability for Australia

I believe the tailBeacon will comply. I will have an AV30X which can control the tailBeacon but I would prefer for everything to be controlled from the one box, ie the GTX327. Can the GTX327 be used as the "control head" for the tailBeacon?

Anyone in Australia know whether the GDL82 is good for an Australian ADSB solution? It doesn't seem much more expensive than a tailBeacon. I like the idea of a solution from one manufacturer.
Tailbeacon is ADS-B out only. I had a GDL-39 3D hardwired into my 8 when we bought it and it transmits ADS-B traffic and weather to my Garmin 796 via bluetooth. Since our 8 has the wingtip strobes, the Tailbeacon was a 30 minute install, was relatively inexpensive and worked perfectly right out of the box with our Garmin 327.
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1. uAvionix Echo UAT with SkyFX-EXT integral GPS/Antenna (in and out and cheapest price)

2. Garmin GDL 82 UAT (excellent performance but a couple of hundred $ more than the Echo)
I have the GTX327. I want to provide ADSB out capability for Australia

I believe the tailBeacon will comply. I will have an AV30X which can control the tailBeacon but I would prefer for everything to be controlled from the one box, ie the GTX327. Can the GTX327 be used as the "control head" for the tailBeacon?

Anyone in Australia know whether the GDL82 is good for an Australian ADSB solution? It doesn't seem much more expensive than a tailBeacon. I like the idea of a solution from one manufacturer.

Does Australia allow/support ADSB-out on 978 MHz? I thought that was just US. All the boxes you quote are 978 MHz.